Porsche Cayman Prank Not Half-Bad

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Porsche Cayman

A brother gets his Porsche Cayman-owning sister back with a clever prank that covers all (well, half) the details.

When it comes to prank wars, we wouldn’t want to start one with Matthew Donegan-Ryan, the dude is dedicated! A few weeks ago, Donegan-Ryan posted on Reddit that he lent his sister his Ford truck so she and some friends could enjoy a wine tasting weekend out of town. In return, he would get to drive her Porsche Cayman. Sounds perfect, right? Uh, not so much.

When he picked up the Porsche he found it was a big ol’ dusty, dirty mess. Not only that, but she asked if he could clean it for her while she was out sipping Shiraz and kicking back. So he started brainstorming. He came up with some good options, and took it to the ‘net for a decision. He posted:

Vote! Should I…

A. Be the brother she always wanted and wash it.

B. Be the brother she has and leave it as is.

C. Be the brother she deserves and perfectly mask off half of the car and completely detail the other half.

The results came in strongly in favor of C.

So he drove the car to a friend’s garage and got to work on detailing half the Porsche. On the ride over he discovered the windshield wipers were also a wreck, very loud and desperately in need of a wiper blade replacement. Considering this all took place in Seattle, Washington, that is definitely not something you can ignore. Initially he decided he would fix that, too. Well, one wiper.

He filmed the entire escapade, and posted it on You Tube. It is hilarious, Donegan-Ryan details the hell out of half of the Porsche. And, being a good brother, he did replace both of the wiper blades. The end result is a clean, sharp Porsche Cayman…on the passenger side.

Donegan-Ryan’s sister had a good laugh at the stunt, but also had a trick up her sleeve. He posted on Reddit that “She’s holding my truck hostage for a couple extra days. Should get it back tomorrow.†We’re not sure if the punishment fits the crime, after all, he does get a few extra days driving a Porsche. Dirty or clean, we’ll take it.

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Longtime automotive journalist S.J. Bryan has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is an editor with Ford Truck Enthusiasts and regular contributor to F-150 Online, Harley-Davidson Forums, and The Mustang Source, among other popular auto sites.

Bryan first discovered her passion for all things automotive while riding in her parent's 1968 Ford Mustang. The automotive expert cut her teeth growing up riding on Harleys, and her first car was a Chevy Nova. Despite her lead foot, Bryan has yet to receive a speeding ticket.

The award-winning former playwright was first published at age 18. She has worked extensively as a writer and editor for a number of lifestyle and pop culture publications. The diehard gearhead is a big fan of American muscle cars, sixth-gen Ford trucks, and Oxford commas.

S.J. can be reached at sherryjbry@gmail.com.

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