Move Over Uber, Here Comes Porsche

Move Over Uber, Here Comes Porsche

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Uber is a really lovely, little luxury service, particularly when you’re in the mood to enjoy a few drinks. And Uber X is even better, because you get to be ferried around in plush leather interiors. But neither of those could possibly compare to getting driven around town in a Porsche.

Apparently, that’s what’s coming down the pipe though, as Volkswagen Group announced last week that they were entering the on-demand mobility game. The foray centers on a new $300 million partnership with global ride share company Gett, which will allow the Uber rival to expand services and offer their drivers deals on Volkswagen group automobiles.

While that’s all well and good, one line of the announcement is probably a lot more interesting for Rennlisters, or anyone who prefers the finer things, really: “Alongside brands such as Volkswagen, Å KODA and SEAT, a special chauffeur service featuring premium brands, such as Audi and Porsche, is also being considered.”

So lookout Uber, because it sounds like you’re about to get passed.

Obviously, nothing is set in stone yet, but it certainly sounds like a promising way to spend a night on the town. Don’t you think?

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Via [EnGadget]

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