What Do You Feed a Porsche 944 Turbo?

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When it comes to fast cars, I’m sure that we can all agree that Porsche is the one true king. In fact, we can probably all agree that Porsche is the king, queen, prince, princess, duke, duchess, and everything in between. Because, really, Porsche dramatically out-performs and outshines every other manufacturer out there. From speed to handling to looks, these rides just glow. And they have for quite some time, as this ad for the Porsche 944 Turbo shows.

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The ad below is from the ‘80s, just as one might expect, and starts out by telling us exactly what these excellent rides eat for lunch. Apparently, “they prefer Ferraris.” But they’ve been known to “snack on Corvettes.”

Going from 0-60 in just 5.7 seconds was a hard thing to claim during this era. But we are talking about a Porsche.

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Take a look at the video below to see the old commercial, and to add a smile to your day. After all, we know that this is all still true, right?

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