Accident Leaves Porsche and Subaru in Compromising Position

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Porsche Subaru accident

Careless valet causes Porsche Carrera to get rammed by Subaru.

In Sydney, Australia, a valet at the Hyatt Regency hotel caused quite an eye-popping accident. While parking a Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet he nailed a Subaru, somehow leaving the poor Porsche stuck underneath. Thankfully, there were no injuries. Well, except for the cars. But it certainly leaves a giggle-inducing image. Maybe the valet wasn’t used to the thrust of the Porsche?

The hotel’s director of sales and marketing, Matthew Talbot, told the The Telegraph that emergency personnel arrived on the scene and were able to easily pull out the valet from out the unusual pile up…by cutting off the soft top convertible of the Porsche. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Porsche Subaru accident

“The staff member was embarrassed and a little bit shocked,†said Talbot. “It kind of scooped the other car up.†So he rear-ended it, and just kept ramming. As for the scene left behind, Talbot said “Obviously it’s an interesting looking picture.†That’s one way to put it.


‘The staff member was embarrassed and a little bit shocked. …Obviously it’s an interesting looking picture.’


Come to think of it, haven’t we seen this before on Aerosmith’s album Pump?

Aerosmith Pump

Photos: The Telegraph

Longtime automotive journalist S.J. Bryan has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is an editor with Ford Truck Enthusiasts and regular contributor to F-150 Online, Harley-Davidson Forums, and The Mustang Source, among other popular auto sites.

Bryan first discovered her passion for all things automotive while riding in her parent's 1968 Ford Mustang. The automotive expert cut her teeth growing up riding on Harleys, and her first car was a Chevy Nova. Despite her lead foot, Bryan has yet to receive a speeding ticket.

The award-winning former playwright was first published at age 18. She has worked extensively as a writer and editor for a number of lifestyle and pop culture publications. The diehard gearhead is a big fan of American muscle cars, sixth-gen Ford trucks, and Oxford commas.

S.J. can be reached at

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