Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home

Porsche Museum offers special behind-the-scenes virtual access as it remains physically closed to the public.

By Brett Foote - April 27, 2020
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home
Porsche Museum Brings Amazing Exhibits to Your Home

Special Access

At the moment, the Porsche Museum is closed indefinitely to help contain the spread of coronavirus. At least physically. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy some of the museum's amazing offerings from the comfort of your couch, including some special insight into an exhibition sans visitors. Porsche is currently offering its virtual visitors behind-the-scenes access to parts of its museum that are typically closed to the public.

Photos: Porsche

Racing Insight

In addition, a group of former Porsche racing drivers has answered questions from followers on the Porsche Museum's Instagram page for the first time. That includes Stéphane Ortelli, who drove to one of 19 total overall Porsche victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1998. Ortelli was also joined by fellow legends Hans-Joachim Stuck, Marc Lieb, Kurt Ahrens, and Mark Webber

Photos: Porsche

>>Join the conversation about taking a trip to the Porsche museum at home right here in the Rennlist forum.

Kid's Games

For the younger folks in your home, the Porsche Museum has also launched a special site called Porsche 4 Kids, which contains a number of games and activities to keep them busy. In addition to coloring games, puzzles, and crafts for little kids, older children can also explore the past and present history of electric Porsche vehicles.

Photos: Porsche

>>Join the conversation about taking a trip to the Porsche museum at home right here in the Rennlist forum.

Electric Mobility

That activity, dubbed "Electromobility," explores the mobility and drive concept which all began 100 years ago when Ferdinand Porsche built his first electric car. Accompanied by a guide, children can find out about the fundamentals and history of electromobility from the first electric vehicle all the way to the present day Porsche Taycan.

Photos: Porsche

>>Join the conversation about taking a trip to the Porsche museum at home right here in the Rennlist forum.

Virtual Tour

In addition, visitors stuck at home can also take a full virtual tour of the Porsche Museum by visiting this page. Here, you'll be able to soak in most of the museum's current exhibits, which are ever-revolving depending on the time of year and whatever special milestones are being celebrated at the time.

Photos: Porsche

>>Join the conversation about taking a trip to the Porsche museum at home right here in the Rennlist forum.

Top of the List

All-in-all, it's quite generous of the automaker to provide us with all of these cool activities and ways to pass the time while we're all stuck inside. After all, it isn't like they have to go the extra mile to do all of this. But the fact that they are is just another reminder that for Porsche, its customers are always at the top of the priority list.

Photos: Porsche

>>Join the conversation about taking a trip to the Porsche museum at home right here in the Rennlist forum.

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