A Look at Porsche's Brand Identity

Porsche didn't get where they are by horsepower alone. Let's take a look into the brand that specializes in high-performance sports car, SUVs, and sedans.

By Conor Fynes - July 25, 2017
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection
Brand identity, Ethos, Porsche perfection

High-end and elegant

Most people have never owned or even stepped inside a Porsche before, but practically everyone has a strong idea what they're all about. Exclusivity. Performance. Engineering. Even as a high-performance automaker, Porsche's reputation stands above the others. Obviously, it wasn't just the strength of their vehicles that got them there. Publicity and the effective marketing of their image as a stand-in for quality and elegance captured the public's intrigue. This may have initially begun with the fact they made an essentially good product, but it's taken them far to run with it.

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Branding meticulous design and a quality product

There's a good saying that quality tends to sell itself. That idea has never rung so true as with Porsche, who have built their brand identity around the fact that their quality and attention to detail is second to none. Marketing and ads may unfold in a familiar fashion by sports car standards, but it's worthy to note that Porsche goes that extra mile in revealing the minutiae and intimate details of their designs. The thing that sets Porsche's design philosophy aside from many others is their obsession with the tiniest facets that others might dismiss or overlook completely. Even if that extra ton of effort only shaves a few extra pounds off of a car's weight, that kind of ingenious design sounds fantastic on paper, and they absolutely capitalize on that fact. 

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Prestigious history and success in motorsports

The older and more established an automaker becomes, the more their marketing department has got to work with outside of the typical car appeal and specs. Porsche's longstanding history as the world's premier sports car specialist has earned them a prestige that would be hard-bought anywhere else. Similarly to that, their list of sponsored successes at high-profile races such as 24 Hours of Le Mans is a further testament to prospective customers that Porsche is killing it wherever possible. It is worthy to note that their aesthetic designs typically haven't changed as much as other long-standing sports car makers such as Corvette. Porsche weren't looking to constantly reinvent their vehicle. Instead, they strove for perfection the first time around, and further iterations have built upon that flawless foundation. That sort of dependability is synonymous with Porsche now.

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A strong social media presence

As social media becomes more ubiquitous, major automakers have a quick and direct way to reach a large segment of their consumer base at a very low cost. Porsche have made ample use of social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to play against their elitist image and rebrand themselves as a company that can relate to the public at large. Porsche's success with social media networking is thanks in large part to the quality of their posts, ranging from company history facts to aesthetic snaps of their latest models.

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Porsche listen to their customers

Porsche actively peruses their car forums in search of legitimate feedback from their customers. Many reasonable criticisms given by owners online are actually addressed in later iterations of the given model. This isn't something you would regularly come to expect from a major automaker, much less one with the high-tech loft of Porsche. This practical interaction with their customers creates a positive feedback loop that keeps their existing consumer base coming back for more. For Porsche's high-end bracket, it's every bit as important to retain their niche market as attracting new customers via active marketing.

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Porsche are transparent about their process

As any fan of Porsche knows, that sophisticated engineering is the main draw behind the brand's appeal. Through social media, Porsche frequently includes "behind the scenes" looks at their vehicles. With everything being shown to the public, it's easy to gain a major fascination for the inner workings of their vehicles. What's more, seeing such ingenuity broken down in an informative video could spark a lifelong passion for cars in a viewer, and they would always remember Porsche as the ones that got it all started.

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