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wc11 09-13-2017 11:44 AM

Giving Porsche owners a bad rep.
Shooting a guy who asks woman to move her Porsche

AWDGuy 09-14-2017 10:07 AM

Quackenbush, an aspiring rapper and country singer

strathconaman 09-14-2017 10:20 AM

I don't see how people who drive Porsche SUVs could have any worse of a name.

vern1 09-14-2017 10:56 AM

How about "giving moronic gun owners who shoot with their eyes closed" a bad rap

Or the people that let them have guns!

theiceman 09-15-2017 07:13 AM

Typical Fox News reporting tying to profile a group
That article could have said car or just SUV and it would have changed nothing.

BIG smoke 09-15-2017 09:47 AM

Clearly the homeless man needed his own gun.
From an American point of view, everyone should have a gun in Nashville.

From my Canadian point of view. 3 in the morning, loud music, and you just happen to have a gun in your purse? Rapper, country singer, with a previous assault charge from her mother?

997_Toronto 09-15-2017 11:23 AM

Just got back from a motorcycle trip down in Tennessee, the number of guns down there is redonculous.

19VFB19 09-15-2017 11:41 AM


red996 09-15-2017 07:59 PM

Tennessee is among so-called "stand your ground states" in which people don't have to retreat before using force to defend themselves.
Self-defenders cannot themselves be engaging in illegal activities and must have a right to be where they are. She probably said something stupid to the cops like what she was doing in an area with homeless people in the middle of the night? That and she got out to shoot this guy? Her father is a lawyer? Geez. This should be a slam dunk for the DA.

JTT 09-17-2017 07:58 AM

Be careful out there....
Be careful out there

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