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TraqGear 01-18-2011 03:39 PM

I ran hoosiers on the GTB car I had and won 4 sets that year. Awesome to deal with. Fax in your results and the form and a few days later you get brand new slicks delivered to your door. Pretty awesome. Just pay the shipping. They were always quick and very easy to deal with.

333pg333 01-19-2011 09:19 PM

I think we should qualify not only the car, engine location, weight etc but also the length of track when people are speaking of time differences. +/- a second on a 1min track vs a 2 min track is worth knowing.
I've used Nitto Nt01, A6, R6, and the R80(front and rear) on a 2700lb 951 (approx 300whp). On a short 1 min track I was able to gain 2 seconds going from Nitto Nt01s to the R80s. On a 1.45 track the difference is probably greater but I don't have hard data just yet. Too many car changes inbetween.

ukrbmw 01-21-2011 10:38 PM

Well, I got a set of both now and will be at 1:40 track that is very much tire demanding, so this will give me an idea of how these compare (Hoosier Slick vs A6).

va122 01-22-2011 11:25 AM


I just saw your post, I ran many many sets of the slicks and found them to be faster then the A6s ONCE HOT which can take a couple laps, keep that in mind in a TT environment. The slicks will hold out a 45 min session no problem without falling off while the A6s will fall off after like 5 laps. The A's will last you a full session without over heating but be as slow as an R6 after the initial 5 laps.

wanna911 01-22-2011 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by ukrbmw (Post 8232912)
Well, I got a set of both now and will be at 1:40 track that is very much tire demanding, so this will give me an idea of how these compare (Hoosier Slick vs A6).

I'd like to know the results of this test.

Slantnose! 01-23-2011 10:31 AM

Me too.

ukrbmw 01-23-2011 04:42 PM

Thanks Victor (can't wait to see the car here).

I will share once I'm done. Although keep in mind this will be a brand new car to me, so I'm not sure how much of the improvement will be tire and how much familiarity/practice with the car. However, I plan on trying this more than once around the SE tracks to get some data (think CMP, VIR, RA, NCCAR, RRR).

Wanna911 and Mr Lisner - you gentlemen are pretty local so I expect some beers in return! :)

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