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zzyzx 02-08-2019 01:16 PM

The Gentleman Driver
I've been enjoying the documentary, "The Gentleman Driver." For those of you who have Netflix, check it out.

zzyzx 02-08-2019 01:31 PM

The documentary touches on a lot of interesting points of view. On the one hand, fans give these guys a lot of !@#!@# for the fact that they pay to be in the show. The documentary does show a lot of these rich, non-pros screwing up, i.e. crashing in the last few laps at Le Mans while in the lead, spinning and taking out other cars, etc.--all very cringe worthy.. But it also gives another perspective, which is that gentleman drivers are like the fantasy we fans have about competing at the top ranks of motor sports. One commentator makes the point that, if you super rich, you could buy an NFL team, but you could never play in the Super Bowl. In motor sport, on the other hand, if you have the means and you are very good, as these guys are--but not truly great--you could buy yourself a ride at Le Mans.

177mph 02-08-2019 02:30 PM

Im about half way thru. Interesting movie. They're doing a good job of showing all points of view.

FredC 02-08-2019 04:00 PM

I also liked the well made point of view that without the gentlemen drivers, these type of racing series wouldn't exist or thrive.

Obturate 02-09-2019 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by FredC (Post 15625283)
I also liked the well made point of view that without the gentlemen drivers, these type of racing series wouldn't exist or thrive.

I have the impression it has been this way in motorsports since its inception.

j-kite 02-09-2019 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by zzyzx (Post 15624886)
I've been enjoying the documentary, "The Gentleman Driver." For those of you who have Netflix, check it out.

Enjoyed it, thanks for the suggestion!

Akunob 02-09-2019 11:43 PM

Will check it out, thanks for suggesting

drive418 02-10-2019 09:31 AM

I watched this last night, and thought it was well done.

Now, where did I put that Power Ball ticket?

paradocs98 02-10-2019 08:08 PM

Thanks for the tip. Just finished it. Very well done. I've always liked Dalla Lana--been following him since his Turner BMW days.

seanseidman 02-10-2019 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by paradocs98 (Post 15629826)
Thanks for the tip. Just finished it. Very well done. I've always liked Dalla Lana--been following him since his Turner BMW days.

Paul is a super guy, great driver and incredibly honest and humble

white924s 02-10-2019 10:25 PM

Thanks for the tip, I really enjoyed the documentary.

38D 02-10-2019 10:42 PM

Just watched and it was quite good. All those guys seemed fit, but they would really benefit from less weight work and just cutting poundage.

Akunob 02-11-2019 12:56 PM

Just watched it, and it was quite well done. I noted that with the exception of Dalla Lana, most of the other gentleman drivers suspended their racing efforts after a season or two which made me wonder what the average "career" of a gentleman driver is? Do these guys last only a season or two...or longer? Anybody in the know care to chime in?

Thundermoose 02-11-2019 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Akunob
Just watched it, and it was quite well done. I noted that with the exception of Dalla Lana, most of the other gentleman drivers suspended their racing efforts after a season or two which made we wonder what the average "career" of a gentleman driver is. do these guys last only a season or two...or longer? Anybody in the know care to chime in?

I think they drove many years before the show.

breljohn 02-11-2019 06:12 PM

I also liked the psychologist's point of view (and the parallels between entrepreneurship and racing)

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