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zzyzx 03-14-2018 02:32 PM

What's going on with AiM???
Does anyone have problems with their RaceStudio2 crashing?

This problem developed on my desktop computer a while back. I was told that the problem could be an anti-virus program. I did not have anything except Windows defender on my computer, and I was not able to resolve the problem. The program frequently crashed.

So...I brought a brand new, $1000 lap top several weeks ago. I installed RS2, RS3, GPS manager, etc on the computer. The only other thing I have on this computer is Word, and I have not been using the computer for anything except AiM data analysis.

For the past two weeks, I've had no problem major problems using RS2. Now today the program is crashing again.

I uninstalled McAfee anti-virus, and only Windows Defender is up. I don't see anything about Windows Defender that should be causing a problem. But RS continues to crash.

I've had numerous other problems with AiM, such as the accelerometers failing in my EVO4 (replaced by the factory), and then my SmartyCam also quit working and had to be sent to Italy to get fixed.

I actually have been blaming myself until now thinking that I just had really bad luck and maybe was doing something wrong. But now, after all these problems, I am realizing that this company does not have its **** together.

mglobe 03-14-2018 04:29 PM

I've got two SmartyCamHD's, an MXL2, EVO4, GDash, and a SOLO. I had one problem with one of the SmartyCamHD's, which AIM fixed very quickly. I run the AIM software on a 2014 MacBook Pro Retina using Windows 10 in Bootcamp. It works very well. I had issues with the software when I was running windows in Parallels, but since I went to Bootcamp it's been rock solid.

ProCoach 03-14-2018 04:54 PM

Beats me.

I have five computers that open AiM files and build/modify logger and camera configurations at least a dozen times a day, for the last ten years.

Current roster is Win 7 Pro on Boot Camp on an iMac, Win 10 Pro on Boot Camp on a 13 TBar MBP, Win 10 on Boot Camp on an MBA, Win 10 Pro on a Dell XPS 13 9360 and Win 10 Pro on an Eve V.

Other than transmitting configs to cameras from the Dell and EveV, no troubles. At least for a good long time...

Fumes 03-14-2018 05:14 PM


linzman 03-14-2018 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Fumes

Had to look that one up. :roflmao:

Matt Romanowski 03-14-2018 06:47 PM

No problems here, but I saw your crashes when we screen shared. I haven't seen anything from other dealers or elsewhere, so I'm not sure what is happening. Did you talk to Lake Elsinore?

zzyzx 03-15-2018 04:08 AM

Just to be clear, this is not a computer problem. This is an AiM software problem. That is why I'm bringing this to the attention of this forum.

winders 03-15-2018 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by zzyzx (Post 14870735)
Just to be clear, this is not a computer problem. This is an AiM software problem. That is why I'm bringing this to the attention of this forum.

How do you know it is not a computer problem? Have you established that others are having this problem. Posts made by others don't support your premise as of yet.

zzyzx 03-15-2018 07:40 AM

I think if you reread my original post, you'll understand.
After I tried everything to fix the issue on my desktop computer, I figured maybe it's a problem with my computer. So, I brought a quality laptop and used it only for running AiM. RS2 worked for a week, and now RS2 is crashing again. So, it's a software problem. The computer was not used for anything other than running AiM.

Thundermoose 03-15-2018 08:05 AM

I don't think anyone here can help you as no one else has the frequency of issues that you do with AiM. I run RS2 on Windows 7 professional with no issues. Maybe ship new laptop to folks at AIM and have the experts look?

I hope you can get it sorted .

NaroEscape 03-15-2018 09:36 AM

Have you discussed this with the AIM guys directly? I know every time i've talked to them they are extremely helpful and do everything to get things fixed.
We had a very old Smartycam that just wasn't working right (early Gen 1), I talked to them about it and they had me send it to them. They did everything they could to replicate the problem for days...then decided that since they couldn't replicate it, but I was an unhappy customer, they sent me a completely rebuilt latest Gen1 version at no cost. (we like the Gen 1 that is data and camera in one unit for coaching).

Somewhat unrelated...about 6 months ago I was having issues with my computer: Windows 10 Pro on Lenovo thinkpad. it kept crashing all MS Office products and Quickbooks (actually just wouldn't open them). did it on my wife's home computer too that has just about no software on it except Office and Quickbooks...Nobody I knew had this issue, and I actually spent an ENTIRE DAY until nearly midnight with Microsoft support trying to fix it. the remote accessed my computer and did everything - even reinstalled Windows, Office, etc. Nothing worked. I was ready to buy a new computer, but found somewhere in some forum that a program called Superfetch could cause problems with some programs. I disabled Superfetch (a Microsoft product) and everything has worked perfect since.

My point here is...something is causing the problem/conflict with the AIM software. New computer and all. Did you download it onto the new computer from the same place you downloaded it all on the old one? (Like at home?) Maybe when you download it at home, your router firewall is blocking some component or causing some conflict? We've been running RS2, RS3, GPS Manager, Smartymanager (for the old smartycams) and everything else on an older Lenovo with Win10Pro and have had zero issues (now I jinxed myself for this weekend!!). No, AIM is not perfect and yes their software has bugs here and there, but as you can see from this and your other thread, nobody seems to be having the issues you do.

As Thundermoose mentioned, maybe ship it all to AIM and let them figure it out? I'm sure they will be happy to help.
Good luck!

linzman 03-15-2018 09:41 AM

You said you were running Windows D fender on both computers. Did you try disabling that?

Gary R. 03-15-2018 10:08 AM

Are both the computers the same brand/same Windows version and did they come with pre-installed software (I assume McAffee is just one of the pre-installed programs on the new laptop). Does AIM, or your system, create a crash log when this happens? Defender is fairly benign and I can't imagine it causing a crash, but it is easily disabled as Linzman mentioned. When exactly does RaceStudio crash, on startup or in a specific module? I would do a couple things, one is go to Control Panel /Programs and Features and uninstall anything not required by the OS to run, including Race Studio. Then go to Task Manager\Startup Tab and disable anything else extraneous to Windows core functions. Reboot, re-install RaceStudio, see what happens. If it still crashes try starting in Safe mode with networking disabled, see if it runs.

mglobe 03-15-2018 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by zzyzx (Post 14870804)
I think if you reread my original post, you'll understand.
After I tried everything to fix the issue on my desktop computer, I figured maybe it's a problem with my computer. So, I brought a quality laptop and used it only for running AiM. RS2 worked for a week, and now RS2 is crashing again. So, it's a software problem. The computer was not used for anything other than running AiM.

Since it worked ok for a week and then stopped working, it's reasonable to think that something changed on the computer during that week period. Maybe downloaded a new web browser and/or plugin? Maybe an email client? Flash? Anti-malware software? Some sort of cloud related software? Having watched your posts, I'm thinking that you use something most of us don't use on our computers that SHOULD be benign, but isn't. Just a guess.

Gary R. 03-15-2018 10:46 AM

You can always check to see if Windows is in auto-update or if you updated the OS between the time it ran and time it didn't, and roll it back..

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