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Veloce Raptor 03-18-2007 09:08 PM

So, net net: Frankie LIED about working at NASA?
And LIED about knowing Jerry?

Do I have this right after being away for the weekend?

Bonster 03-18-2007 09:24 PM

Jerry's going to kill me for this, but I've got to defend this. Okay . . . according to Jerry . . .

"The real deal (and please keep this to
yourself) is that Frank worked briefly in the NASA office, answering phones
(~1996). Later he became an instructor, only to get in trouble multiple
times, then the boot from the instructor program.

"Then he was on the web regarding some bonehead racing move he pulled causing
a crash. He looked like a moron, and was boasting about how he was a NASA
instructor, etc.

"We made him a deal- he gets to stay in NASA as a participant, but he can't
publicly tell people he was a NASA instructor. We just didn't want to have
people thinking that we had such an arrogant bonehead as an instructor.

"Frank stopped posting that kind of thing and things have been fine.

"I just emailed him to knock it off again."

Now you see why I didn't come out with it at first. Jerry didn't want me to tell people about the whole ordeal. Now I've got to find an excuse for telling the whole story. Folks do deserve to know the truth, I just hope Jerry doesn't hate me for telling the story. Does Frank really know Jerry? Yeah, about as well as I know my doctor or my neighbor down the street. He and Jerry are hardly 'buds', and they never were or will be.

So, there's the truth from the horses mouth. I'm probably going to have to massage Jerry's feet or snip his nose hairs for him to forgive me now. He'll still love me, and we'll still be friends, but he is a very good sulker and will make me feel VERY guilty. But at least the truth is out. And please, PLEASE don't think Jerry or NASA is not a top notch company. He just did what I and several others have done -- he made a mistake. It's kind of like getting really drunk and waking up next to a really ugly person. You'd rather just pretend it never happened.

jgrant 03-18-2007 09:42 PM

As an ugly person I take great exception to that last remark! ;)

Bull 03-18-2007 09:48 PM

Thanks for putting yourself on the line to give us the facts Bonster...I got tied up on my graphics thing and never had a chance to ask. Tell Jerry that it is very close to what I had assumed to be the case, as most pathological liars like Dung Boy take a small piece of fact (he answered phones) and turn it into some self-serving big deal to make themselves look "better", which they desperately need to do in their own eyes.

By the way, what you described as "similar" is bad, but not nearly as bad as waking up between an ugly woman and a beautiful woman...then finding out that the good looking one is only the Bridesmaid! :icon501:

Veloce Raptor 03-18-2007 09:57 PM


Epic self-ownage again from the mango-haired mulletheat.

Bonster 03-18-2007 10:00 PM

Yeah, well, I really don't like hurting anyone's feelings, Frank included. But as an avid helper, supporter, and often a voluteer for NASA, not to mention a close friend of Jerry's, I had to weigh what was more important. With all due respect, Frank did glamorize and eggagerate his very brief position with NASA answering the phones. I'm sure it was helpful, but if he doesn't know, for instance, what's in Jerry's basement, he's not very close to him. It's nothing big in that basement, but it is very unusual. Jerry lives in an unincorporated area of Richmond, California, which allows him to do and own things that most of the rest of us cannot.

I'm sure Frank will see this thread, and he might be upset. Sorry, Frank. Jerry is one of my closest friends -- he would have done the same thing for me had he come across a negative thread about T.E.A.M. Racing. That's what friends do.

Veloce Raptor 03-18-2007 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Bonster
Yeah, well, I really don't like hurting anyone's feelings, Frank included. But as an avid helper, supporter, and often a voluteer for NASA, not to mention a close friend of Jerry's, I had to weigh what was more important. With all due respect, Frank did glamorize and eggagerate his very brief position with NASA answering the phones. I'm sure it was helpful, but if he doesn't know, for instance, what's in Jerry's basement, he's not very close to him. It's nothing big in that basement, but it is very unusual. Jerry lives in an unincorporated area of Richmond, California, which allows him to do and own things that most of the rest of us cannot.

I'm sure Frank will see this thread, and he might be upset. Sorry, Frank. Jerry is one of my closest friends -- he would have done the same thing for me had he come across a negative thread about T.E.A.M. Racing. That's what friends do.

I'll bet this is Jerry's basement... ;)

Bonster 03-18-2007 10:07 PM

I doubt you're that ugly, jgrant! Maybe I should have used a different analogy. Okay, it's like making out in a dark movie theatre, and when the lights come back on, you find out you were actually making out with your brother / sister. Is that better? ;)

Bull 03-18-2007 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by Bonster
I doubt you're that ugly, jgrant! Maybe I should have used a different analogy. Okay, it's like making out in a dark movie theatre, and when the lights come back on, you find out you were actually making out with your brother / sister. Is that better? ;)

Ah........ no!

Bonster 03-18-2007 10:26 PM

ROFL, Bob. You didn't already eat dinner, I hope. :D

GhettoRacer 03-18-2007 10:43 PM

It was a deal where I did various duties @ the office in exchange for seat time... lots of mailings, data entry, answer phones, stamp licking (before the sticker ones came out), running errands and stuff. It was about 1 year from 96-97 if my memory is correct. Back then Ali and Jerry co-owned NASA still.

Bonster 03-18-2007 10:47 PM

Ah, Ali Arsham . . . founder of the Honda Challenge Series. But that's unfortunately not what Jerry said, Frank. And he implied that you only worked there for a very brief time, not a year. But no big. He once asked me to become a scrutineer at the races -- I was scared away from the prospect. I don't work for my friends. I don't think I could put up with Jerry quite that much, lol. I love him, but he'd drive me nuts. :D

I never heard that Ali was a co-owner, though, until today. That's news. Makes sense, but I never heard that one before. Interesting. Very, very interesting. I thought Ali was just the manager of the Richmond office back a couple of years ago.

Veloce Raptor 03-18-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by GhettoRacer
It was a deal where I did various guys @ the office in exchange for "seat time" (if you know what I am saying here...)... lots of "male-ings", rear entry, answer phones, schwantz licking (if you catch my dorifto here), running numbers and stuff. It was about 1 month from 3/96-4/96 if my memory is correct. Back then I had green hair still.

Bonster 03-18-2007 10:57 PM

Woah, woah, WOAH! NONE of the guys at the NASA office would participate in any kind of this activity. Especially not Jerry! I know you were only joking, but Jerry would be upset if anyone doubted his manhood. ROFL. :D

GhettoRacer 03-18-2007 11:01 PM

I'm pretty sure (well, don't sue me lol) Jerry and Ali started NASA together in the early 1990's... might even have something to do with the Capri club as I recall... but you should ask Jerry I guess.

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