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Thom 07-17-2003 09:46 AM

Which is the worst Porsche ever built in your opinion ?
Following Luis de Prat's thread re the "best Porsche", here is a similar thread about the Porsche that makes you laugh the most.

Looking forward to reading everybody's opinion ... :)

philip karas 07-17-2003 10:05 AM

Does such a thing exist?

adsc4s 07-17-2003 10:46 AM

Re: Which is the worst Porsche ever built in your opinion ?

Originally posted by Thom
Following Luis de Prat's thread re the "best Porsche", here is a similar thread about the Porsche that makes you laugh the most.

Looking forward to reading everybody's opinion ... :)

1990 944 S2? ;) Seriously, don't think Porsche has made a bad car yet.

graham_mitchell 07-17-2003 03:33 PM

Perhaps not the most constructive thread...

adsc4s 07-17-2003 03:38 PM

graham, are those speedlines? whatever they are, your cars looks very nice!

RJT 07-17-2003 04:32 PM

Porsche NEVER produced a bad car! The bad ones that are out there are the ones stupid people have neglected and abused over the years.

Tom 07-17-2003 06:00 PM

My nomination would be the 1956 type 645 spyder "Mickey Maus." It lasted less than 90 days and was destroyed in an accident at the Avus racetrack in Berlin, nearly killing its driver, Richard von Frankenburg.

Otherwise while some Porsches are better than others, a "bad" Porsche is still a heck of a lot better than almost anything else.

MM951 07-17-2003 08:00 PM

The 911!!!

(sarcasm guys :))

Riccardo 07-18-2003 03:45 AM

RJT, I love your avatar pic! Is it your best friend looking after your lover?

George 911-V8 07-18-2003 06:05 AM

I think the 924 and 912 are the redheaded stepchild.


RJT 07-18-2003 06:07 AM

Riccardo......That's Stormy the PPP (Porsche Protecting Pooch). She was dumped in our neighborhood when she was a puppy just as the first houses were being built almost ten years ago. So she adopted each family as they moved in. Everyone takes care of Stormy, and she takes care of us. She's had her picture in Panorama magazine and she's on the PCA website. She gets postcards from Great Britain, phone calls from France, and greetings from all over the US! We're sort of a Porsche club meeting place, so Stormy welcomes everyone. She loves the sound of Porsches!

Gert 07-18-2003 07:28 AM

Originally posted by adscab911
graham, are those speedlines? whatever they are, your cars looks very nice!
Graham has Brock B4 18" wheels.

graham_mitchell 07-18-2003 11:40 AM

adscab911, Gert beat me to it :D He is quite right

hoffman912 07-18-2003 12:31 PM

Originally posted by George 911-V8
I think the 924 and 912 are the redheaded stepchild.



yes, the 912 is looked down upon in some circles, and is widly forgotten. but you have no room to talk, and yes with your car 'red' does come to mind. but that is my opinion, and i am entitled to it just as much as you are to yours.

many people, who are ignorant, and do not know what they are talking about do not realize that the 912 is 100% porsche. it has the 911 body, and the 356 engine. the 912 is as reliable and even more so than other porsches. yes, it has its faults, but so do all cars. it also has its wonderful merrits as well. being the renound expert that you are, i am surprised that you were not bashing the 914 as well, as that is the other low end porsche you forgot to mention. just because a porsche was not the most expensive one out at its time, does not mean its the worst. for christs sakes, this type of ignorance makes me sick!

all porsches have their good points and bad points. whether it be a 911, a 356, a 914 a 944 etc, a 996, a 924, a 993, a 912, or even a bastardised 911 with a v8. but as all have stated there really is not a such thing as a bad porsche. before you bash one madel or another, you should drive them to see their merits and faults, unless one does so, they have no idea of what they are talking about. yes i will be the first to step up and say the 912 is not even close to the greatest porsche around. but its not close to being the worst

why do i have the odd feeling with the past few postings ive seen from you that you have a problem with me? if you have somthing to say to me, please do it off of the forum. believe me, you do not want to make this argument here.

RJT 07-18-2003 01:41 PM

George......912 a "stepchild"?????
What would you call a 911 that had its soul ripped out and a chevy V8 stuck in it????? I can think of several names.

The 912 is the absolute direct descendant of the 356. The 356 is where all Porsches came from. The 356s and 912s are now 35+ years old and still crossing the country without a problem.

We are all entitled to our own opinions. My opinion is I would be embarassed to own a Frankenstein "911" and then come on a forum and disrespect a REAL Porsche and their owners.

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