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Blade-MD 01-05-2010 01:52 AM

Porsche Entry and Drive...Control unit broke off in ignition switch!
The Control Unit, as named in the Owner's Manual, but AKA plastic dummy key broke off flush and I do mean flush in the ignition switch. Any ideas on how to get out the "remnant" piece of plastic so I can actually drive the vehicle?

OCNYPORSCHE 01-05-2010 11:45 AM

That doesn't sound too good. You try a dremel to the plastic key so you can get a tiny screwdriver on it so you can pull it out. Other than that, you may need to remove the ignition cylinder. Lastly, you may need to take it to the dealer (tow it), if nothing else works.

User 4221 01-05-2010 12:37 PM

I would use a very small screw extractor (EZ Out). Drill a small hole in the plastic "key", thread the EZ Out into the hole and pull out the plastic piece.

richc 01-05-2010 01:03 PM

Is any of it showing? You might try a drop of epoxy on a small piece of wire. Try and snag the end of it with the sticky epoxy.

k722070 01-05-2010 04:45 PM

try heating up a needle and drive it into the plastic, let cool then pull out.
you might also need to be pressing that little pin hole to the left of the key slot in order to retract the plastic.

slider172 01-05-2010 08:23 PM

Blow torch
Or drill a small hole, put super glue on a paper clip tip and insert in hole. Let dry pull out.
I hope these were helpful because this thread may take a serious turn here.

Blade-MD 01-07-2010 10:17 AM

Thanks guys for all the excellent suggestions. I have had a pretty good grip on the remnant several times. However, it won't come out. I suspect that there is something in the ignition that grips onto the dummy key. In any event I am resigned to flatbedding the truck to the dealer.:crying:
I am thumbing through the manual to figure out how to put the car into neutral....:banghead:

k722070 01-07-2010 12:07 PM

that plastic key has a button in the middle that needs to be pushed in order to extract the key, that's a possibility for not getting it out.

the button pushes a solid piece of metal(both sides of the key) about 10mm inside the key slot to release the spring that holds in the key.

this is probably no help at all since you seem to have to be pulling on the plastic stub and pushing something into the key slot to release the lock at the same time. could be a tight fit.
good luck.

Blade-MD 01-08-2010 09:12 AM

Yeah I tried to see if there was something in the middle of the broken remnant that needed to be pushed in to allow for release. Nothing. Another engineering marvel by Porsche. Entry and Drive should have been designed like my Toyota Highlander or dozens of other vehicles: push a %%$$# button.

BobbyB 01-09-2010 12:49 PM

Blade, you are flat bedding to the dealer, if one of the above ideas work for you to get a grip on the plastic key, can you rotate the key to start or stop engine? If so, you can drive to dealer. Best of luck

Blade-MD 01-09-2010 03:55 PM

The key broke off when I tried to start it up at my office. My wife brought me a pair of pliers and I was able to start up and with some difficulty, shut down at the house. Each time got harder and harder to turn. I will give 'er a try but am not particularly optimistic that I can get the leverage to turn. Pulling is a lot easier.:typing:

BobbyB 01-09-2010 04:20 PM

I haven't tried this, but will in a few minutes - according to one of our rennlisters, if you can turn the key, but not start, put your foot on the brake, then shift to reverse, the car will start, then you can move into drive. Drive to the dealer, then turn off or let the dealer turn the car off. -Just an idea if there is a fairly long wait for the flatbed. Good luck.

Blade-MD 01-09-2010 04:28 PM

I saw that post several days before this happened. I tried it myself before the key broke off and it didn't work. The actual key, not the dummy key, may need to be in the ignition. Immediately when the key did break, I did try that trick again, and it didn't work.:crying: Good thought though. On page 200 of my owner's manual (original...not sure if there is an updated version) is what my afternoon project will be.

Kevin M. 01-09-2010 11:14 PM

Wow I assume you didn't do anything different when it broke? I'll check mine out, can you post the part number of the plastic keyfob?

Blade-MD 01-09-2010 11:47 PM

Sure Kevin. I assume it is plastic fatigue that resulted in the eventual breakage. With 84k miles and nearly 7 years of use the dummy key may have reached it's limits. The Pepper is now in neutral with the emergency brake engaged sitting in my garage. I followed the instructions on page 200 of the owners manual and it worked quite easily. I was never able to crank the remnant over and fire it up so my CTT will be flatbedded on Monday. AAA to be called tomorrow. Not sure if I will be 100% responsible, Porsche or my extended warranty.

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