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Mister Quickie 07-31-2017 10:10 PM

Car vibration upon accelleration, can feel it in the drivers' seat
2005 V6 vibrates when pushing the RPMs higher.
When driving it's a little more apparent.
But in neutral I can reproduce it as well.
The fact that there's vibration in neutral tends to rule out suspension and I noticed the engine itself is vibrating when I look at it with someone else pushing on the gas.
I know this isn't much to go on so maybe I'll just take it in but if it's an apparent issue maybe I can fix it.
Thanks in advance

AGARubberDuck 07-31-2017 10:27 PM

My first thought would be plugs/coils. Plug service is every 40k mikes I believe, and the coils are known to crack and and cause the symptoms you describe. When it gets bad enough, you'll get misfire codes to tell you which one, but best practice is to swap them all out for the latest revision.

ScootCherHienie 08-01-2017 05:30 AM

Also possibly related to a motor mount problem

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