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craigg 11-08-2002 11:35 AM

Are Boxsters the cause of P envy?
Seems that many owners of obsolete models can't handle the truth that the Boxster singlehandedly saved Porsche in the mid '90s and has made it the most profitable auto company. Clearly the first model to have the modern, liquid cooled flat 6 in a production car, the predessor to the wonderful 996, son (or daughter, depending on your preference) of the 550, is clearly a pioneer in its own right.

Is this behaviour because of envy or some other unfulfilled need?


"methinks they doth protest too much."

Just watch.


Alan Herod 11-08-2002 12:10 PM

Good call. I was working on a response, because quite frankly, this is getting trying. I am surprised by the number of folks that come out of the wood work posing as Porsche owners who come to this board to post all manner of negative messages about the Boxster. Seems that generally these come from anonymous posters. I attend a lot of track events and and it has been my good fortune to drive and instruct in all types of Porsches. In a public environment I find Porsche owners to be generally mature, objective, and friendly. I don't believe that those that find it necessary to come to this forum to run down the Boxster are representative of other model Porsche owners.

M758 11-08-2002 01:09 PM

Hey Guys,
I have never driven a boxster, but have instructed at few drivers in boxsters at track events. What I can say is that those car are very nice handling cars. Very easy to drive with a lot of stick. Got nothing bad to say about the car.

Now about the owners. Most of the ones I have meet through Porsche Club are good people. However there tend to be alot of Non-enthusiats Boxster owners. I think this why the owners of the older cars look carefully at Boxster owners. Now I can see that you guys are also old 911 owners so I figure you are also enthusaists like me and most old Porsche owners.

New cars tend to bring in new people. Some times these new people are true Porsche people. Other times they own a Porsche Boxster because it is the cool car of the moment. Its very rare to have a non-enthusiast buy an older Porsche. There is nothing to be done to stop that as I expect that has happened to all new Porsche models over the years. Unfortunalty these people tend to look down on the older cars and their drivers. It is good for Porsche since more cars are sold and can even be good for us in the long since there will be a greater supply of used Boxsters.

Now personaly I won't be buying a Boxster anytime soon. It is not because the car is bad it is just a cost thing. Personnaly I find the older cars be better values. Since I can aquire multiple 944/944 Turbo models for less than the cost of even used Boxsters I doubt my money will go there. Of course its a personal decision by me. I have to admit that in 10 years there may be a 2000 Boxster S in my stable? Only time will tell!

<img src="graemlins/xyxwave.gif" border="0" alt="[bigbye]" />

craigg 11-08-2002 03:37 PM

The call on the fact that many Boxster owners being new to Porsche is very likely - this also explain some of those who fail to "flash" which has been the subject of many other discussions on other boards. I had actually fallen for a 944 first - but never bought it because a nice 911 came up and I followed the adage of buy the newest (and best) Porsche you can afford.

It seems that there are an increasing number of Porschephiles who are moving over to the 986 now that the S is out - and getting better every model year.

All I can say is those folks who own any Porsche should be glad we are ALL part of the ownership of the finest cars in the world.

Jeremy Martin 11-08-2002 03:57 PM

they're all porsches kids, play nice... i think what sticks in the side of most porsche owners about boxters are the owners. the actual boxster is a well engineered car, even if the styling is the result of porsche america. it sells like hot cakes and helped porsche when they really needed it. (and before anyone flames, yes, the 1993 boxster concept was 100% the baby of porsche america with throwback styling to the 550 sypder)

Eurocarguy 11-09-2002 02:47 AM

Seems that many owners of obsolete models can't handle the truth that the Boxster singlehandedly saved Porsche in the mid '90s and has made it the most profitable auto company.

The fact that the Boxster saved Porsche can not be underestimated. Porsche was struggling in the early 90's. In 1995, Porsche only sold 1100 968's worldwide, dropping from 2400 in 1994. True, sales were off for many sports cars during that era (300zx, RX7), but Porsche was truly struggling with an aging product line up. The 968 was the freshest face in the line up and it was really 12 years old.

Porsche could have gone the way of some the the Italian cars (alfa, lancia) and shrunk to within their home country to stay alive. The could have become a division of VW, instead of Lamborghini. But instead, they developed a car that everyone wanted. I'm sure the the marketing and engineering departments of Porsche would be amazed if they read these threads. They did everything right, built a car people desired, for less money than its predacessor, and still get ragged on. The curse of being successful?

Pure and simple, the Boxster saved Porsche. It was the car everyone had to have. To many, after 5 years, it still is. It has provided some much need cash flow to the company and has it allowed it to stay independent. No small feat. 30 years ago, even Ferrari had to sell to Fiat. With all the big companies buying the weaker European automakers, whose to say the GM couldn't be owning Porsche right now without the Boxster.

Me personally, I am on my second Porsche, a 90 944 Cab (first was a '87 944 bought in 1989). I have any Italian car too. And I really like the Boxster, but my desire to have one sports car that has 4 seats keeps me with the 944. I just joined this list and am surprised by the comments toward the Boxster. Those who think the Boxster is not an impressive car have a skewd criteria.

NoSubstitute 11-09-2002 05:53 AM

Boxsters sell because many more people can afford the price range. That does not make it a bad car by any means. It makes it BETTER because there is more value. All a Boxster happens to be is older 911 technology. If you thought older 911's were great, then there is no reason to even think about putting down a Boxster.

And what about Vette owners? Those cars are in the same price range (and are very good competition). I've never heard anyone call a Vette owner an asshole because he has a "cheap" car that helps out GM's sales.

I just wish everyone had a chance to really DRIVE a Boxster to it's full potential. I'm willing to bet they would be more than pleasantly suprised (or upset because they've been ranking on such an amazing car!).

Porsche: there is no substitute.

Stephen@McKaysBeach 11-09-2002 09:51 AM

My Boxster is my first Porsche and I love it. It is the best driving car I have ever owned. Most people I know envy me for having it.

As far as what other people think of as to where the Boxster falls on the Porsche food chain, I DON'T CARE.

boxsterfan 11-10-2002 04:12 AM

Great thread here! I too love my Boxster. Many times I have made that exact same quote ("the Boxster saved Porsche") on various discussion groups.

Mine is a daily driver (12 miles round-trip), and I can't express in words how great this car is to drive every day.

If I ever get to a DE event soon, my permagrin is going to be so huge that I won't even be able to speak (or type).

<img src="graemlins/drink.gif" border="0" alt="[cherrsagai]" />

Ghost Rider 11-10-2002 12:53 PM

I think the CEO summed it up when he said that if the Boxster had failed, Porsche likely wouldn't be in business today. Imagine how those other Porsche models owners would feel today if Porsche didn't exist and parts were scattered to the winds? No service shops, no service manuals, parts incredibly hard to find, all the things that happen when a car maker goes under.

Nay, if you look at it, their ability to continue to enjoy their older Porsches is predicated on the Boxster's success. Maybe they'll think twice before bashing the Boxster again... probably not, some of them seem to be caught up in the "my car is better than your car RiceBoy syndrome..."

craigg 11-10-2002 01:42 PM

But you know, as much as I like my Boxster S - I still very much like my old 911, and I think the 944 and its progeny are very nice looking cars - and of course being Porsches, the performance is always there. :) I was never too crazy about the first 924s but when they bulged out the rear quarters and put the hotter 1/2 a 928 engine in them, the 944 became most desirable. Each one is different and special!

I just took a non-car oriented friend out for a ride in the Boxster this morning and he was truly amazed at the comfort and style, and of course a little razzle-dazzle witht he engine just made it that much better. He commented that he thought Porsche had come a very long way over the past decade and now his wife is scheming to get them a Boxster too.

If simply giving a ride in one is the best way to create a Boxster fan, I am going to have just keep doing it! Oh darn.

cmoss 11-10-2002 07:00 PM

Hmmm.... Talk about baiting the audience

[quote] Seems that many owners of obsolete models can't handle the truth that the Boxster singlehandedly saved Porsche in the mid '90s and has made it the most profitable auto company. <hr></blockquote>

[quote] Is this behaviour because of envy or some other unfulfilled need? <hr></blockquote>

[quote] Just watch. <hr></blockquote>

Well, all I can say is that...

(1) Sure the boxster did help save Porsche. What's not to like about that? Hopefully, the Cayenne will have the same sort of impact.

(2) Not sure about unfulfilled need. Last February I was in a P-car showroom. I was buying a used 993. It was about the same price as a Boxster S. The choice wasn't even close. Hey--The Boxster is a cute car. If anyone should choose such a car--more power to 'em. It just sort of struck me as sort of effeminate.

(3) Why pick a "fight?" The population of Boxster owners is quite different from the population of say 911 owners.

Me thinks you have some other unfulfilled need.


GeoffD 11-10-2002 07:26 PM

Good thread here.

I actually think that the effect that the Boxster is having on the Porsche world is very similar to that of the 924/944 during the 78 to 85 period.

The front engine water cooled cars were a departure from the Porsche norm when they arrived and were not well received by all. However, they brought many new Porsche owners into the fold. Some of them stayed, and some of them moved on when their leases expired or when the reality of living with a sports car day to day became apparant. The 924/944 series were a runaway sales success however and saved Porsche's bacon in the early 80's.

The intersting thing is.....look at today. Attend any "hard core" Porsche track event, and you will find that a huge percentage of the enthusiast cars are 944 derivative cars. Why? Because many enthusiasts can't, or won't, afford a newer Porsche but take delight instead in the former bastard child, the 944, thereby demonstrating that it is not money that makes an enthusiast, merely enthusiasm and appreciation of fine qualities. The thing that I find ironic is that you now find 944 owners who will elaborate on how Boxster owners are not true Porsche people (we all know the posts I am referring to).

A further parallel, the 944 n/a and the Boxster are both categorized as being great handling but under powered cars. My Boxster (2002) has 217 HP and weighs less than 2800 lbs which gives it a better power to weight ratio than the original 944 TURBO which in turn was Porsche's response to criticsm of the underpowered 944. Shows how time has changed!!

I think that as more and more Boxsters work their way through the system, the 1997 to 2002 Boxster will be in 2010 what the 944 is today, a great car available at a great price (because of the huge number produced 97 to 02) and appreciated by many Porsche enthusiasts. No doubt some of these enthusiasts will find it necessary to slag Porsche's entry level model of the day (and the purchasers of that car) as untrue to real Porsche values.

Earlier this year, I owned a 1988 924S race car, a 1989 911 C4 and a new 2002 Boxster. I ended up selling the 911 C4 because even though I loved that car, it was great to have a car (the Boxster) with great performance and with all modern systems (AC, Bose stereo etc) that work effectively and flawlessly. I was ready for a change. Is the Boxster a no balls, chick car? I don't know and I really don't care. It's fun though!

Christer 11-11-2002 09:18 AM

but are they the cause of 'P Envy'?


If everybody secretly wanted one, they would have one. They are certainly affordable enough.

Ghost Rider 11-11-2002 09:47 AM


Excellent analysis and comparison. I know a few 911 owners that won't track their cars so they go out and get a 944 and set it up for the track. I suspect the Boxster will some day become just like that unless it gets a turbo or something radically different from the factory in the next couple of years.

P-envy? I thought the original poster was maybe talking about people who don't have Porsches at all. I doubt any P-car owner envies another P-Car, at least they shouldn't, they should just enjoy what they have and not worry about other P-cars.

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