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DPorcella 03-20-2009 01:59 PM

new 997.1 S or new 997.2 base? I have the choice . . .
[Please understand, I know this is a gold-plated problem, and people are suffering out there. Nevertheless. . .]

I have a base '09 997.2 ON ORDER, but it looks like it will never get built. I want to drive soon; the test-drives are just making me more of an addict! I dream of driving the car. I have great cabrio weather now.

I finally located an '08 at an out of state dealer with almost the identical specs as my ordered car, and could probably get it at a substantial savings. (But let's leave that $ out of the discussion; it's about having a car now instead of in July. Or August. Or October.)

I trust the judgment of (most of) you guys on this forum. Does anyone counsel that the 08 S would be *as satisfying overall* as an 09 base model with the DFI etc? Or is the 997.2 so great an improvement that I should just wait for it?

Related issue is "build date": does anyone else have a late April / early May build date that has changed again this week?
-- Impatient in Cali

Jerry Fisher 03-20-2009 02:10 PM

if you are comparing a PDK car vs tiptronic, you probably should go with the 09..

tough call otherwise. I am sure the 08 will drop in resale faster but you may save alot up front.

Personally, I don't care for the new tailights but certainly not a deal breaker. I have not driven one of the 997.2s but when I bought my 997.1 S, getting the S was a no brainer. Liked the quad pipes. bigger brakes and the power differential. The performance of the base 997.2 should be quite comparable to the 997.1s on the 997.2. Good luck.....

mjsporsche 03-20-2009 02:11 PM

Oh boy. Lots of factors to consider. If you are going with a manual, (no PDK), I suspect that a 2008 "S" would be equally satisfying as compared to a 2009 non "S". Yet, the 2009 non S is really equal to a 2008 S on a performance basis.

You say to ignore the financial considerations. But there is a huge financial consideration that must be taken into account. The 2008 is already one year old and the pricing should reflect a significant depreciated value. I would say a minimum of 20% off MSRP, if not more. Also, if you get a 10% discount off a new 2009 non S, the cost of the 2009 might be (will be) lower than a heavily discounted 2008 S.

There are many 2009s sitting at dealerships. You can find a 2009 close to what you want. Just need to be a bit flexible with a few options and geography.

DPorcella 03-20-2009 02:15 PM

Should have said, both are 6-speed. Good advice.

JM993 03-20-2009 02:19 PM

I would hold out for the new car. Main reason: redesigned engine with no (trouble prone) Intermediate shaft.

DPorcella 03-20-2009 02:33 PM

jmarch: I'm with you on the KTM! The 911 is a replacement for street bike that I promised myself I would not get if it got too scary out there. And it got too scary! Maybe I should go dirt. . .

yemenmocha 03-20-2009 02:38 PM

Appearance of the two cars doesn't decide it for you? Rear lights are a big difference, and interior center console is a big difference.

Since you're not doing PDK, I would go with the 997.1 S.

DPorcella 03-20-2009 02:45 PM

[QUOTE=yemenmocha;6401549]Appearance of the two cars doesn't decide it for you? Rear lights are a big difference, and interior center console is a big difference.

Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but what's the diff with the center console?

BobbyB 03-20-2009 02:45 PM

Hard choice. The power will be about the same between the two. If you're not getting PDK, then it depends on who long you want to wait. If the wait of 5 to 6 months is killing you, move now. If you can wait and continue the dream in peace, then wait. Either way I think you will be happy with your choice. Good luck

russo 03-20-2009 02:48 PM

The 997.1S is probably the way to go, I am sure you are going to get a much better deal than the .2; furthermore, you can start enjoying the car immediately instead of waiting another six months with the onset of colder weather and decreased open top enjoyment. Drove the .2, and in my opinion, it's not a big difference in performance. To pay so much more money for the esthetics is pointless. In regards to reliability, its a small percentage of cars that present with problems and Porsche is good at taking care of those issues. In addition, who is to say that the new engine does present with its own set of gremlins? Life is too short, enjoy it while you can. GL.

afridi 03-20-2009 03:14 PM

I think the new engines are safer to push at the track. The older engines do have reliability problems with oil pickup etc .................... or am i completely off on that?

todd. 03-20-2009 03:14 PM

Go for the new '09 for sure, it's like a new 911 in many ways. If you can sacrifice losing or picking up an option or two, maybe not get exactly what you want, you can get a great deal on a new '09 also. Porsche dealerships are really doing unprecedented deals now, on '09's. The 2009 will have the new PCM, with features you must take advantage of like Bluetooth & Universal Audio Adaptor, the led lights are way cool & distinctive, new engine, the resale value will be better since it's basically a new version that's more desirable. If cannot get in excess of 10K+ off a new 2009 911 in this market, do some shopping.

cole328 03-20-2009 03:20 PM

Since PDK not an issue, get the 997.1 no matter what anyone says, once you have the car, and you don't have the "s" badge, you'll be matter what the performance of the new car.

afridi 03-20-2009 04:09 PM

I forgot to ask....will u track it?

jumper5836 03-20-2009 04:13 PM

My choice would be the 997.2 even though I hate those tail lights.

Edgy01 03-20-2009 04:28 PM

If you are going to actually keep the new car for more than 3 years stick to the 08. The 09 engines, although a new design, still need to be thoroughly shaken out. It will take at least a year in the hands of owners to discover what the Achilles Heel is of that DI engine. As a long time Porsche owner, trust me. issues will be found on the DI engines. Go with a design that has been around for awhile. I never buy the first year production of a major change.

DPorcella 03-20-2009 05:37 PM

Wow, lots of thoughtful advice, but the question is so binary that it was predictable that people would split about 50/50.

I'm gonna mull it over for a few days, thanks to everyone who has thoughts. Only Pcar people would understand my anguish!

Will not track it, purely a pleasure car.

JM993 03-21-2009 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by DPorcella (Post 6401521)
jmarch: I'm with you on the KTM! The 911 is a replacement for street bike that I promised myself I would not get if it got too scary out there. And it got too scary! Maybe I should go dirt. . .

You'll love dirt. No cars to run you over (SCARY) and much more involving. Plus you can get the same (or better) thrills threading through the trees at 25mph than blasting down the road at 100mph on a street bike. It's a great sport.

Give me a shout if you ever decide to make the switch

adfsouth 03-21-2009 10:26 PM

Here's the way I see it..... If I had the choice between a 997.1S and a 997.2S, I would choose the 997.2S (no brainer). Between the 997.1S and the base 997.2 I would go 997.1S.....the $ you save is just bonus coverage. Speed of the .2 base model is real close to the .1 S, however I prefer certain performance aspects of the .1S. For instance, Big Red Brake Calipers are larger and make pad swapping for frequent track use a breeze, whereas on the new base model, the calipers are of a closed-back design and need to be removed. Also, I like the PASM feature for various reasons (although mine are enhanced by Bilstein Damptronics). Oh yea, and I prefer the look of 19" wheels for the street (standard on the .1 S).

Regardless, you cant make a bad decisioneither way......

lockmk 03-22-2009 08:10 PM

08 vs 09
I'm having difficulty believing anyone who recommends the older car over the newer one has driven both. Aside from the subjective styling factors like lights and rim design, the newer base model is a vastly superior car. The interior, particularly the dash area, is way ahead of the old design. The suspension is much better, the engine is more economical and the new 3.6 feels more urgent than the old 3.8. Any 09 will hold it's value better as well. Apart from the better residual of the new shape there will be so fewer of them available on ther used market 2-3 years from now as fewer are being built.

redridge 03-22-2009 09:50 PM

always buy the newest you can afford..... SOP

KBS911 03-23-2009 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by lockmk (Post 6407907)
I'm having difficulty believing anyone who recommends the older car over the newer one has driven both. Aside from the subjective styling factors like lights and rim design, the newer base model is a vastly superior car. The interior, particularly the dash area, is way ahead of the old design. The suspension is much better, the engine is more economical and the new 3.6 feels more urgent than the old 3.8. Any 09 will hold it's value better as well. Apart from the better residual of the new shape there will be so fewer of them available on ther used market 2-3 years from now as fewer are being built.

Vastly superior may be a bit of an overstatement. Either car will perform beyond the capabilities of most. The 08 0-60 times were 4.6 sec v.s. 4.5 sec and top speeds of 182 v.s. 188. That is not a vast difference.

I think the point is that there are big savings to be had on 08's which except for the trained eye look virtually the same. Engine and suspension mods increase track times but again when comparing an 08 S v.s. an 09 C2 the differences become moot.

DPorcella 03-24-2009 02:45 PM

Again, thanks to all who weighed in. I'm STILL undecided, however leaning toward the 997.2 because of some of the new stuff (you know DFI, bigger screen, better trade-in when the 991 comes out).

jwdwight 03-24-2009 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by jmarch (Post 6405390)
You'll love dirt. No cars to run you over (SCARY) and much more involving. Plus you can get the same (or better) thrills threading through the trees at 25mph than blasting down the road at 100mph on a street bike. It's a great sport.

Give me a shout if you ever decide to make the switch

JMarch - I agree....I have both Porsches and dirt bikes! Oh...and airplanes too. Three very bad and expensive habits. But worth it. And to your point, nothing like riding single tracks through the forest like you described! :thumbsup:

JM993 03-24-2009 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by jwdwight (Post 6414731)
JMarch - I agree....I have both Porsches and dirt bikes! Oh...and airplanes too. Three very bad and expensive habits. But worth it. And to your point, nothing like riding single tracks through the forest like you described! :thumbsup:

I jealous as you live in the Mecca of dirt biking. Someday, I must ride in CO.

jwdwight 03-24-2009 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by jmarch (Post 6414769)
I jealous as you live in the Mecca of dirt biking. Someday, I must ride in CO.

Let me know when you want to come to Colorado! It is an amazing place to ride athough they keep trying to close more and more trails on us.

DPorcella 03-24-2009 07:46 PM

I hope you guys are also keeping your hearts healthy with a good dose of off-road mountain biking ;) I KNOW that's available in Telluride and the Bay Area.

fjpdds 03-24-2009 08:12 PM

Having both, I'd go '09.
Drove Base at PSDS. Intstructors say as fast as 997.1 S.
PCM &Tech is improved a lot.

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