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Dariof 04-15-2007 11:17 AM

Battery Tender
I own a Battery Tender which I used for my motorcycle. It worked great for years. I sold my MC, but kept the Battery Tender.

Can I use this on the Porsche as a battery maintainer? I have read several threads on this subject. I know Ben found a maintainer at Sears for a great price, and has been successfully using it.

Will this work with a cigarette lighter adapter attached which I assume I would just plug into the cigarette lighter?

I don't want to buy something else if this will suffice.


jhbrennan 04-15-2007 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Dariof
I own a Battery Tender which I used for my motorcycle. It worked great for years. I sold my MC, but kept the Battery Tender.

Can I use this on the Porsche as a battery maintainer? I have read several threads on this subject. I know Ben found a maintainer at Sears for a great price.

Will this work with a cigarette lighter adapter attached which I assume I would just plug into the cigarette lighter?

I don't want to buy something else if this will suffice.


The Battery Tender is what i've used on mine the last year - no issues.

MMD 04-15-2007 12:59 PM

Whom do you trust to power your computer? The mfgr's dedicated power supply or some probable "it'll-do" design from _Sears_!!?? Save a few bucks and risk thou$ands in damage on your heavily-computerized us$100K car? Not a very good investment, IMO.

jhbrennan 04-15-2007 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by MMD
Whom do you trust to power your computer? The mfgr's dedicated power supply or some probable "it'll-do" design from _Sears_!!?? Save a few bucks and risk thou$ands in damage on your heavily-computerized us$100K car? Not a very good investment, IMO.

I imagine the computer power supplies come from the same place the battery tenders - China, Taiwan, etc.??. I know you feel strongly about this but I haven't seen any reports of problems...not that they will never occur.

tkids 04-15-2007 01:08 PM

That is exactly what I used on my car this year. Called a P dealer and he told me there were two options that he would sell me. One option was the same "Juice" as my old motorcycle tender!

Here is explanation I received in an email from a Pdealer.

"There are two different styles of maintainers. Both versions plug
into a wall socket and have a lighter plug on the other end that goes
into the vehicles cigarette lighter socket. The 955-044-900-15 for
104.98 can do motorcycle (m/c) batteries and car batteries, but the
104.98 one puts in up to 3.3 amps and trickles down from there. This is
good for older batteries to help keep them fully charged as older
batteries tend to be less apt to hold a charge the older they get in my
opinion. The 980-611-981-00 maintainer for 47.10 puts out a max of .5
(half an amp) so it's meant to only keep the battery at the state of
charge it was in when put up for winter storage for example. It doesn't
even TRY to charge the battery, where as the more expensive one has the
capability to put out more than a half an amp it can actually charge a
battery if left on for a couple of days. Although it wasn't designed to
be a charger it will charge up a dead battery but will take longer than
the higher amperage variety sold elsewhere."


NVRANUF 04-15-2007 01:17 PM

I spent a VERY small fortune on my battery tender... under $30.00 ;)
I doubt my car can tell the difference in the power coming out of the wall socket, whether it's filtered through a $30 BT or a $150 PBT.
The trickle charged amperage is the same....
And it has worked very nicely over the past 2 winters, while my car hibernates in 5 month stretches from the Canuckian elements.


MMD 04-15-2007 01:49 PM

There's another issue to consider (by all means- do what you want). Proper lead-acid battery charging involves a few complex chemical reactions which require different currents at different times from the charger; do bargain chargers have this capability? BTW, the warrenty from Porsche will not cover damage to the battery from "non-Porsche approved electrical accessories."

jhbrennan 04-15-2007 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by MMD
There's another issue to consider (by all means- do what you want). Proper lead-acid battery charging involves a few complex chemical reactions which require different currents at different times from the charger; do bargain chargers have this capability? BTW, the warrenty from Porsche will not cover damage to the battery from "non-Porsche approved electrical accessories."

My situation is a little different - I replaced the P battery with an Optima Yellow Top and when I hook the Battery Tender up, I do so directly to the battery - I've always worried about putting "juice" through the cigarette lighter.

OCBen 04-15-2007 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by MMD
There's another issue to consider (by all means- do what you want). Proper lead-acid battery charging involves a few complex chemical reactions which require different currents at different times from the charger; do bargain chargers have this capability? BTW, the warrenty from Porsche will not cover damage to the battery from "non-Porsche approved electrical accessories."


There you go again. Picking up where you left off, Marcel D.

I can see you've been drinking the Kool Aid heavy this time and have become completey duped, but we already knew that about you.

Dariof 04-15-2007 02:09 PM


What did you buy from Sears and do you plug it into the cigarette lighter?

MMD 04-15-2007 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by OCBen

There you go again. Picking up where you left off, Marcel D.

I can see you've been drinking the Kool Aid heavy this time and have become completey duped, but we already knew that about you.

Hi Mr. Charming, nice bullying work you're doing.

I'm completely duped? You build rockets and yet know nothing about the stages involved in lead-acid battery charging? (ahhh..., no wonder the bargain battery maintainer seems like a wise purchase).

Speaking of you being duped: read your warrenty.


OCBen 04-15-2007 02:16 PM

And you do nothing but drop little turds of misinformation wherever you go.

If you look up the word morose you'll find a picture of Marcel D. D. next to it.

You are the epitome of everything negative, everything cynical, everything drab.

DerivativesGuy 04-15-2007 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by MMD
Hi Mr. Charming, nice bullying work you're doing.

I'm completely duped? You build rockets and yet know nothing about the stages involved in lead-acid battery charging? (ahhh..., no wonder the bargain battery maintainer seems like a wise purchase).

Speaking of you being duped: read your warrenty.


Easy on my friend OC there. He is a good guy and the leader of this board.

MMD 04-15-2007 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by OCBen
And you do nothing but drop little turds of misinformation wherever you go.

If you look up the word morose you'll find a picture of Marcel D. D. next to it.

You are the epitome of everything negative, everything cynical, everything drab.

You sound like an incompetant palm reader. LOL. :rolleyes:

MMD 04-15-2007 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by DerivativesGuy
Easy on my friend OC there. He is a good guy and the leader of this board.

Oh yes, a very charming guy. "Leader?" WOW. Funny the words bully, "tosser" and busybody come more readily to my mind.

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