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BaileyII 11-07-2018 01:43 PM

Any tips on installing my Dallas Custom Steering Wheel
My newley leather wrapped wheel arrived today. First off I’m not so mechanically inclined however I was able to remove and reinstall my red seatbelt’s both front and back and my red sports Chrono. Donald sent instructions for the swap. Please advise if there is anything else you can add to make the swap go as easily as planned. The instructions that I have shoe it a 1.5 out of 5 for difficulty. That sounds like my kind of job.

• disconnect the battery.
• stick long screw driver in the bottom of the wheel area to remove the airbag. (Exactly how hard is this process)

After i I remove the wheel and move my multifunctional buttons over to the new wheel how does the new wheel line up so it will stay straight?

How hard is it to reinstall the airbag?

any advice will be appreciated.


Fined 11-07-2018 04:19 PM

Can't speak 997.1.. but on my 997.2 and 987.2 it was easy as pie. More like a 1 out of 10 on difficulty scale. I did a couple swaps back to back when my new wheel came in. Took the multifunction wheel off the Cayman, took the sport design wheel off the 911, then put it on the Cayman, took new sport design wheel and put it on 911. Whole process may have taken 45 minutes to an hour for two swaps.

BaileyII 11-07-2018 04:26 PM

Gotcha. Is the airbag removal the hardest part? Do I have to worry about breaking anything when I push the long screwdriver in the airbag hole?


Fined 11-07-2018 04:48 PM

The airbag pretty much just pops out once you pull back a couple of tabs (I could be recalling this incorrectly). As far as the screwdriver in the bottom of the wheel, I was a little nervous about it too but no I don't think there is anything to break. From what I can recall, so long as the battery has been disconnected and let set for a bit there isn't anything too delicate about the process besides lining up the wiring when you slide the airbag back in. If you get to sliding that airbag back in and it doesn't slide in easily you may want to verify the wire is lined up in the channel properly. You shouldn't have to force it, it slides right in until you can hear/feel a slight 'click'

BaileyII 11-07-2018 04:58 PM

I’m doing it. Thanks. I’ll post pictures later this evening.

BaileyII 11-07-2018 09:34 PM

doclouie 11-07-2018 11:48 PM

That looks great. What does something like that cost?

sandwedge 11-08-2018 02:38 AM

Big difference, isn't it? I've done two of them now. First one, no problems. On the second one though I didn't get it lined up right putting the new wheel on so when driving straight down the road my red stripe on the wheel was not going straight down the road but something like 5-10 degrees to the left. Easily fixed but equally easily avoided by marking a reference point of where "straight" is before removing the old wheel.

BaileyII 11-08-2018 09:32 AM
Sandwedge, how did you fix the wheel being off just a little? I feel like mine is just 1in or under off. When the wheel’s are straight the stripe is dead in the middle of my car. Absolutely love it. So glad that I was coached to do this mod.

Doclouie, I paid $825 shipped to NC. I didn’t want to give up my original wheel as a core so that was included in the cost. They used a multifunctional steering wheel like mine and added the thumb pads, red stripe, black leather and black stitching. Contact Donald he is very easy to work with and did an amazing job.


Petza914 11-08-2018 01:02 PM

The new wheel looks great in there - congrats!

doclouie 11-08-2018 02:44 PM

Thanks. I will be contacting Donald shortly. That looks great.

qikqbn 11-08-2018 05:30 PM

Awesome mod. I love my dallas steering wheels. Have had 3 of them and Donald is easy to communicate with. Since you put the cool red center stripe you will be constantly reminded if you are not dead center :nono: haha

due to the construction of highways and roads you will always be fighting the rain run off slope built in to most roads. So if in the slow or fast lane you will most likely feel you have to correct your steering wheel a bit off center while in that lane.
May not even be that your steering wheel is wrong, but that the road requires a bit of steering even though you may not feel the slope.

Also, if you are due for an alignment, well now you have another reason to get that alignment done. My alignment shop always offered a couple returns for steering wheel adjustment if I felt it was not centered. It may be center sitting on the rack in a shop, but out on the road there are too many variables.

Looks like you got the "extra thick" 1/8 padding and added thumbrests!! Very nice!! One of my favorite mods and makes the connection to your ride so much better :cheers:

BaileyII 11-08-2018 05:37 PM

Thanks for that info. I just had my car aligned last week. I took it back to them today to see if they can do anything.

Really cool mod. Rennlist members definitely put me in the game w/ this simple mod.

BaileyII 11-08-2018 11:06 PM

After the alignment my wheel seems straight to me.

Thanks again crew!!!!

tuto993 11-09-2018 12:41 AM

Dig, dig, dig.

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