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good hands 11-15-2006 03:56 PM

OK I am un-scientifically Trying to figure out what percentage of 996's have actually had the total engine failure problem.

JC3D 11-15-2006 04:12 PM

Yes, Just died, waiting for new one to come in.

LVDell 11-15-2006 04:23 PM

Once again, another worthless thread on engine grenades. Nothing other than to serve the agenda of the fellowship of the miserable.

good hands 11-15-2006 04:36 PM

Once again, another worthless thread on engine grenades. Nothing other than to serve the agenda of the fellowship of the miserable.

i am actually doing this because i am sick and tired of this 996 bashing. you wonder why they are not holding their value ? because misinformed people see too much negativity on the vehicle. I am hoping this brings a little clarity to the true extent of the problem.

I believe if this was such a widespread problem some sort of recall would have been in order.

Dr_KarlB 11-15-2006 04:44 PM

If you held a Survey for the health of the nation in a Doctors waiting room, you would deduce that 90% of the population were sick.... move it to a Gym and that would be reversed.
Im sure the Dealer only ever sees cars with problems too.
I would guess people on a forum are more likely to respond if they have had a problem, thus inflating the numbers

joes c4 cab 11-15-2006 04:50 PM

I do not want to get into this again, but I think this problem is a little more than a statistical anomaly. Cars with/in all different types of mileage, usage, and climates have had this problem, and part of the reason **I think** we have not seen it as much with later model cars is that they don't have the mileage yet to tell.

Being on this forum makes me no more likely to report my engine failure I don't think. That is not why I started reading/posting here.

As for the recalls, I think it is MUCH cheaper for PCNA to quietly pay off some, while telling others to pi$$ off if they are just a little out of the warranty period. Unfortunately, that is how they lost me as a customer.

BlackCab996 11-15-2006 04:52 PM

I also think this is nothing more than a little senseless fun, as I would think rennlisters are more likely to properly perform preventative maintenance. Also, what if I pick "no problems" and the engine blows up in two years. I clicked to play along, as I admire the goal, but I still think this doesn't get us anywhere. Let's argue about RMS again:)

LVDell 11-15-2006 04:58 PM

Christ, I am not going to explain again how many ways this is violating just about every statistical assumption we base sound results on. Have fun with your little poll and if makes you beleive that it will do something other than provide anecdotal evidence for humor, anger, excitement, agreement, bashing, or whatever you think, then go right ahead. But, do NOT claim that this is something that is is not--statistical.

When you get PCNA to release the data you are looking for please let me know.

LVDell 11-15-2006 05:01 PM might be able to state that the results from your poll will be the following:

"I have concluded that X% of 996 engines on those indivuduals car's have failed that chose to sign in to this thread and post a result valid or otherwise." Then add the disclaimer like most of this crap you see on late night infomercials........**results not typical**

LiveNupe 11-15-2006 05:03 PM

How many times can I vote? I got bored after my first 15 clicks.

LVDell 11-15-2006 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by LiveNupe
How many times can I vote? I got bored after my first 15 clicks.


rcg412 11-15-2006 05:32 PM

this is getting ridiculous....

Ray S 11-15-2006 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by LVDell
Once again, another worthless thread on engine grenades. Nothing other than to serve the agenda of the fellowship of the miserable.

When you're right you're right!!!

Dell you've got this one pegged!! :icon107:

Paul 996 11-15-2006 06:14 PM

I agree with goodhands.

Anyone I meet where type of car ownership comes up, I get offered the concerned advice to be careful because "those engines have problems". HAH

Also, how about the "oh you shouldn't track that car, engines blow up and they have oiling problems"

One more... If you don't replace your RMS right away it will ruin the area around the seal and never be able to take an new seal again, thus forcing you to get a new engine.

I can probably sit and think of a few more urban myths about 996s that I have heard either prior to ownership or since owning it.


JimB 11-15-2006 07:05 PM

New poll. Please answer after watching video.

Estimate how many m96 engines we've blown up in this car in 4 years of racing?

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