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jlb532 04-23-2006 12:56 PM

Closing engine compartment lid
Silly question, but when closing your engine compartment lid, do you hold it a few inches above the bottom and let it 'fall' and snap into place?

I ask because on a previous 1991 911 the manual specifically stated not to do so, but rather to lower the lid carefully, and then apply pressure (once it was resting in the down position) to 'snap' it into place.

My 99 996 manual does not give such a warning, so I'm wondering if it's no longer necessary to take such a precaution.

Anyone have thoughts/advice/tips you've heard on this minute yet potentially important detail?


LVDell 04-23-2006 12:59 PM

I do just as you proposed......a couple inches above the bottom and then it drop closed.

marlinspike 04-23-2006 04:50 PM

I have no idea which way is the proper way with a 996 since the manual doesn't specify, but just what I think is an interesting note: a bmw 540 says to lower the lid slowly, then push it closed and do not drop it closed, a chrysler 300 (well the SRT8 version anyways, though I'm guessing it's the same across the model range) says to drop it closed and specifically says not to do the lower slowly and then push thing.

jlb532 04-23-2006 06:28 PM

Hmm, crazy. Guess I'll just keep dropping it, as that has seemed to work so far.
Thanks guys

lowside67 04-23-2006 06:30 PM

on my car the rear trunk can be dropped, but the front will not close no matter how hard you drop it, you have to lower it and then "push" the last stage closed.

jlb532 04-24-2006 01:14 PM

Can I damage anything by "dropping" the lid? From what I can doesn't come in contact with any engine components. Though I wonder if "dropped" lids are what is contributing to all these coolant expansion tanks cracking.

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