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Palting 03-01-2003 05:04 PM

I've been driving the Volvo and had the Porsche in the garage for the last 3 months!!! The ambient temp's in the 20's, there's snow on the ground and the white haze of salt on the streets, but I just couldn't stand it anymore. I took the Porsche keys out of the key box, unlocked the car and and stuck the key in the ignition. There was this weird sequence of locking and unlocking of doors as the remote sensors recalibrated. Then a brief but sickeningly slow churning of the starter before it fired up. Glorious exhaust sound, even with stock exhausts!! Got out of the car as it growled at idle to take some of the air out of the tires back to spec pressures. Back in, seatbelts, radio on only to turn it off again to hear the car, AC/heater on, and AWAY WE GO!!

The wheel felt pretty heavy, and I wondered if the power steering was out. Stepped on the brakes at the end of the driveway, and that required a lot more pressure than I remember it to need. Back in the garage to check fluids, kicking myself for not doing that first. But, everything checked out fine. So, back out again. The seats seemed too snug, and I wondered if I gained weight during the winter.

After a few laps around town, decided to go for my favorite twisty road out of town. Gloriously exhilaraing!! The heavy steering? The better to feel the road, my dear. The brakes? The better to modulate threshold braking, trailbraking, rev matching, my dear. The seats? The better to hold your big fat butt in as you try to generate G's on corners, my dear. Man!!!! I felt like the big bad wolf alright. Just had to watch the slush at the edges of the roads since I had summer tires on.

Bring on the track season!!!! I'M READY!!! <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[burnout]" title="" src="graemlins/burnout.gif" />

996 AERO 03-02-2003 01:21 PM

Don't feel lonely!! I bought my 99 996 in late October of last year and only put about 100 miles on it before the winter storage. I live in Northeastern PA and we have had one of the worst winters in quite some time. Snow, rain, ice and downright cold. So far I have just started mine up a few times but haven't ventured out on the road yet...too much salt and snow......If it's any help....I can't stand it either!! :mad: Spring and the Hershey Swap Meet is getting closer...... <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> :D

Graygoose997 03-02-2003 01:32 PM

I enjoyed your post, as I had the same experience, at the same time yesterday. I've been tooling around in a Mini Cooper S for the last few months, and took the 996 out of mothballs for a day of fun. When you use the car on a dailey basis it's easy to take it for granted. Two months without quickly reminds you just how special it is. The line about the seats being too snug was right on the money.&lt;g&gt;

Mike in Chi 03-02-2003 03:38 PM


And can you believe it, today it's snowing. Hopefully a couple more weeks of winter and March will go out like a lamb

Thanks for the post.

I too got out yesterday. But in the new toy, the track car that is still streetable, but barely. It rattled my fillings, but it's fun. Still getting used to all that negative camber.

The big four is very responsive.

Spent the ride making a list of things I want to look into before track season starts.

Dranon 03-02-2003 07:25 PM

Guys Guys GET SNOW TIRES!!!! I drive mine evry day! the car LOVES the cold air! I can't imagine putting it away for the winter!

Graygoose997 03-02-2003 10:36 PM

Mine did year round duty with snows for the last 3 seasons.I never worried about it.
The mini cooper is a ton of fun in it's own way, also with winter tires.
This winter is just the worst I can remember
If I wanted to live in freaking North Dakota I'd move there.

SpectraG 03-03-2003 06:53 AM

at least you guys can look forward to enjoying your cars when the weather gets better... i am jealous, just sold mine......

Dranon 03-03-2003 09:57 AM

40F yesterday and rain all day. I wake up and it's -10F !!! Strange

John H 03-03-2003 10:12 AM

Even though I drive mine as a daily driver for all but the worst snow days, I spent the weekend hunkered down in the unheated garage with the kerosene heater going doing the clay bar, Zaino 5, Z5, Z7, Z5, Z7, Z2, Z5, Z2, Z7, Z2 and one more Z2 routine. Now my car shines like the sun, if I remember what that is.

P.S. I actually had to use my left hand yesterday <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

MRW 03-03-2003 10:18 AM

This is the time of year when you remember why you hate people that live in California. Saturday, the temp in Chicago got to mid-30s with sun, so out came the brand new, '03 C4Cab for some excercise. Car was delivered November 11, and Saturday's toodling around got me up to a grand total of 650 miles. At this rate, the 997s will be out before I reach break-in mileage. Is it ever gonna be spring?

rumster 03-03-2003 01:15 PM

We really haven't had much snow here in Chicago, so I've been trying to get some break-in miles on the new C4S. About 550 in three weeks. Of course, I have been washing the car every 3 days or at least hosing it down in my garage. There was no way I could let it sit after waiting my whole life for the perfect 911.

Gretch 03-03-2003 04:21 PM

Gretch and Gretta are holed up in a barn in the White Moutains. Saturday was sunny and 40 degrees, Sunday we got a foot of snow. This morning it was 8 below. It is still winter in the northeast........

Dave P 03-03-2003 06:24 PM

Reading all of these posts makes me wonder why more people don't live here in California! How can you or why would you live anywhere else?! :)

STRSHP 03-03-2003 07:48 PM

As an almost transplant from DC to SF, I am reading the posts with a bit of relief. Guess I made a good call to move when I did. Got stuck in DC for just the one big one, but that means the 996 hasn't seen the road in 5 weeks. Got my Cooper S here in the bay area for that wine country run, but am missing the kick in the pants from the p car. Will do Summit and VIR for a last event at each before taking on Laguna, Sears and Thunderhill. Ah, it's not freaking north dakota here

Palting 03-03-2003 08:01 PM

After I wrote the post, I was waiting for you CA, FL, TX, etc, guys to chime in :) .

Any one want a free-loader for 3-4 months, just let me know! I'm easy. Give me a cot, garage space, a burger a day, and I'm there!! The wife and 4 kids can fend for themselves for a while. <img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />

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