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Dr_Strangelove 04-30-2019 09:40 PM

I think most keyboard warriors keep their vitriol loaded in their fingertips. At worst the haters will simply ignore us in real-life situations. What the public sees in 996 (911) owners like us is a bunch of Porsche owners who are more than happy to share our passion with them. We're not the image-obsessed "d-bags" that Porsche owners are stereotyped as being. When a person walks up and says "hey, cool car," no awkward conversations about value, popularity, desirability, or collectibility need to take place. It's a simple "hey, thanks, would you like to check it out?" And I think that's a huge breath of fresh air for people who otherwise find sports car owners to be unapproachable.

Lots of anecdotal stuff here in my post but that has been my experience with my car. I've said many times before, and it's still true, I've never heard a single negative word about my car from another human being and that includes Porsche-exclusive events as well.

Horsepwr 04-30-2019 11:15 PM

Most people assume my car was 80k+ Lets not let the cat out of the

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