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TexSquirrel 09-21-2018 03:14 PM

Someone ran a stop sign - now insurance questions
Someone ran a stop sign while I was in the intersection on Wednesday and almost hit my 996. :eek:
Then later that evening someone ran a red light and almost hit me in my wife’s minivan. :grr:
With so many totaled 996s lately, I’ve become worried about my car.
What could I expect to receive price-wise from my insurance company for my 2002 996 with 63K if someone hits and totals my 996?
Do they normally pay trade-in value?
Do they take into consideration any mods?
I always figured I’d buy back for my engine and transmission at least, but with Cuda911 having a $7k+ buyback...

I have State Farm if that matters.
Help put me at ease.
This is more scary than IMS, bore scoring, intermix, etc.

sasilverbullet 09-21-2018 03:37 PM

Yikes! Wednesday some lady on her cell phone just starting moving right over into me at 70mph! Had to hard brake and swerve.

Insurance, it all depends on the company and if you have a loan for the car, did you get gap insurance. I'm not familiar with how State Farm does business. Fyi, the guys over on Bobistheoilguy have a lot of details about this sort of thing. If you don't get some answers here, post over there.

Maybe we need to put giant flags on our cars! I've started driving with my fog lights on all the time.

wyovino 09-21-2018 03:41 PM

Believe it or not, I'm still waiting for my car to be inspected. Now they're saying early Monday morning. That will make it 10 days since the accident. (Allstate). I always worried about all 27 million modes of failure but didn't think about the Mack Truck scenario.

VFRMike 09-21-2018 03:45 PM

I’ve had two cars totaled and paid out by State Farm. Both times I was HIGHLY satisfied with their settlement amounts.

TexSquirrel 09-21-2018 04:06 PM

I paid cash for my car, so no loan.
I guess that helps.

I always drive with my head lights on.

Earlier Wednesday morning I changed lanes twice because I noticed the drivers behind me not paying attention and texting in stop and go traffic.
Then during lunchtime made a run to the post office when the woman ran the stopping.

Someone rear ended my BMW 135i in stop and go traffic and that dropped the value and made it tough to sell even though it was very minor damage.
I don’t plan to sell my 996, but wouldn’t want a blemish on the Carfax!

wyovino 09-21-2018 04:23 PM

I'm very conscious of my surroundings and try to never be driving in anyone's blind spot. If someone tailgates me, I move out of the way. In this case, I was in the right lane and the truck passed me in the middle lane. He wanted to exit and merged into me. There was a van behind me and I guess he thought he only needed to clear that vehicle. There was nothing I could do in this case. This is the fifth time my 996 has been hit. Three times while parked, once I hit a deck chair that fell off a camper, and this latest one. Maybe it's jinxed. I've been driving for 48 years and this is the only car I've owned that ever needed to go to a body shop.

808Bill 09-21-2018 04:24 PM

Wed., I almost got backed over by a lifted F250, sun was in his mirror and he did not see me. Thank goodness for the horn as I quickly put in in reverse to get out of the way but I hit 1st and jumped closer...Talk about a heart attack moment!

Chris(MA) 09-21-2018 05:39 PM

I have state farm too, no car claims but other stuff and they were good.

Texting and driving is an epidemic here in CA they should fine the crap out of drivers doing it...

Kris Murphy 09-21-2018 06:49 PM

Depending on how much you drive your car, it may be worthing going with someone like Hagerty. That is what I do. I use mine mostly for the track, but do drive it some on the street. The policy I have covers it for 5000 miles a year. Also covers it on a trailer, or in the paddock. I have agreed value of 20,000. I also have my 74 Beetle Convertible on the same policy valued at 10K. Total, I pay $583 a year.

You can adjust your mileage and values, so your results may be different.

groovzilla 09-21-2018 07:58 PM

IMS, now people worried about their 996 being totaled?
Let me guess whats next....996 owners worrying their 996 will join #metoo movement & possible sexual assault suit will follow??
...Yes your Honor, owner opened me up and stuck his new IMS in my engine.

wildbilly32 09-21-2018 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by 808Bill (Post 15307811)
Wed., I almost got backed over by a lifted F250, sun was in his mirror and he did not see me. Thank goodness for the horn as I quickly put in in reverse to get out of the way but I hit 1st and jumped closer...Talk about a heart attack moment!

Seems like the jacked up pickups have problems seeing our cars and not just in the mirrors. I believe our cars are so low they look over the top of us. A couple of years ago while driving downtown on a one way street I was mid-intersection and some idiot in a jacked up four wheeler pulled right out in front of me as he turned the same direction I was going. That was the day I discovered just exactly how good 996 brakes really are. I actually had no time to change lanes. It was that close! I like the big "desert flag" idea.

wyovino 09-21-2018 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by groovzilla (Post 15308312)
IMS, now people worried about their 996 being totaled?
Let me guess whats next....996 owners worrying their 996 will join #metoo movement & possible sexual assault suit will follow??
...Yes your Honor, owner opened me up and stuck his new IMS in my engine.

Nah. My biggest worry, aside from the Mack Truck that hit me, is the potential for meteorite damage due to the depletion of the Ozone Layer. Although I do hope my car keeps mum about that drunken tail pipe incident. Shhh.

kromdom 09-21-2018 11:19 PM

calling/asking your insurance directly should give you the "most" reliable answer :)

groovzilla 09-21-2018 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by wyovino (Post 15308644)
Nah. My biggest worry, aside from the Mack Truck that hit me, is the potential for meteorite damage due to the depletion of the Ozone Layer. Although I do hope my car keeps mum about that drunken tail pipe incident. Shhh.

Use a potato - Less burning after:cool:

shft22 09-21-2018 11:29 PM

Give Hagerty a call, in my case they were cheaper that State Farm for an agreed value policy with no deductible. I have no affiliation or obligation to Hagerty, just figure I share my experience.

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