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FLYT993 09-14-2013 04:14 AM

Random....This ever happen to anyone?
I'm driving along the freeway, windows down so I can hear my baby purring, and I hear some shouting next to me. I assume it's an idot and promptly ignore. But the shouting continues. Finally, I decide it's time to put the jackass in his place and look over at a guy who is grinning like a silly fool and after actually listening, understand that he's shouting..."I vant to buy it!! I vant to buy it!!.... It's soooo beautiful! How mooch? How mooch?" This guy was beside himself! He was looking at the car the way a young boy looks when he sees a naked woman for the first time.

I chuckled, and said she's not for sale. Nice to know an 18 year old 911 can have that effect. Just thought I'd share and see if I'm not alone in being leered at while driving...

Juha G 09-14-2013 05:01 AM

No but I once had a state trooper shouting at me from his crown vic while we were both doing 100mph...i couldn't hear him but I could definately read his lips; "Slow the f*ck down!"... I gave him a thumb up and slowed a little...must've been end of his shift as he pulled out on the next exit...:roflmao:

jhg41977 09-14-2013 07:54 AM

Juha, thats awesome!

MrBonus 09-14-2013 09:45 AM

Yes, I received a number of "do you want to sell?" notes on the 993 C2S I sold a few years back. I have been approached a few times in the '89 as well.

Jeff96-993 09-14-2013 10:52 AM

I've had plenty of people holler at me at stoplights, on the road, in parking lots, etc. First question is usually "what year".

Strangest question was from a person who must've never seen a Porsche before... didn't even know Porsche or anything about a 911. He just knew it was some fur'n car. Nice guy though, thought he'd never stop asking questions.

RacerX1166 09-14-2013 10:57 AM

Funny, used to get the stoplight 'I love your car' somewhat frequently when I had my 89 coupe (aka Mr. Bonus' current ride) but I don't think I've gotten one out of the blue compliment on my 993.

Kika 09-14-2013 11:45 AM

Great story!

Occasionally I get asked what year is that?

More often, I see people take a walk around the car to have a look when it is parked.

My best one was a when a Japanese couple, obviously tourists, took pictures of each other in front of my car.

Honestly though, when we had our 68 912, we got thumbs up from drivers ALL the time.

aribop 09-14-2013 11:55 AM

Most of the time it's people driving down the road honking at me, grinning, and giving me the thumbs up.

Chris V 09-14-2013 02:06 PM

Had my first shout-at last weekend. Young guy in a Mini pulls up next to me at stop sign and is barking to get my attention. I'm thinking he wants to say something nice about the car, so I roll down the passenger window and he shouts that my right rear brake light is out and then he takes off.

I was signaling left and my foot was off the brake pedal.

FLYT993 09-14-2013 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Juha G (Post 10760289)
No but I once had a state trooper shouting at me from his crown vic while we were both doing 100mph...i couldn't hear him but I could definately read his lips; "Slow the f*ck down!"... I gave him a thumb up and slowed a little...must've been end of his shift as he pulled out on the next exit...:roflmao:

many, many years ago ca hwy patrol pulled along side me when i was at triple digits...looked at me and gave me the "no-no" finger wag. i was thankful because i could not have afforded the ticket at that time. i'm sure he was headed to another call or shift change. i slowed my@$$ down.

nice stories!

rutz36 09-14-2013 03:54 PM

I was at a rest stop in Indiana enroute back to CA in '12 when a trucker offered his wife and kids in a trade the car.

RJT 09-14-2013 04:19 PM

We once had a young kid working at a taco bell practically come out the take out window and ask us if our '65 356 was the new Mitusbishi. I swear, it's true. Robert's answer was: 'Are you kidding, this thing is ALMOST as old as my wife!' :)

P-track 09-14-2013 04:43 PM

Was at a gasstation last week when two young kids were looking at my car. Dad comes over and tells me that his boys begged him to also turn off to the gasstation so they could have a close up look of the Porsche.

Turns to out we were heading to the same town so I offered them a ride, kids loved it. Dad was jealous...

cloud993 09-14-2013 04:53 PM

I've had a few people ask about it at stop lights, etc. One time some Porsche dealer guy tried to give me his card in case I ever wanted to sell. "not gonna happen!"

timothymoffat 09-14-2013 05:31 PM

Back in June I was in Victoria and a guy pulled up in a new 991 Cab. He was a salesman and the car was a demo. He asked if I'd like to move "up" to something newer and faster. My response: "Will newer and faster make me smile more?" He couldn't come up with an answer before the light turned green.

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