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Ran 06-14-2001 01:37 PM

Low volume, short squeak when I let off gas pedal. any thoughts?
I located a slight squeak (it emanates from the gas pedal) - very low in volume and a short quick squeak and is heard only when I let off the gas pedal. Thus, whenever I slow down (i.e. move off the pedal) or otherwise let the pedal spring back to rest, a quick squeak is heard from the pedal. The slight squeak is ONLY at the beginning of the pedal's travel upward to rest position - the squeak is NOT heard all the way up to rest position.

Is this worth doing anything about now or probably best to just ignore and
tend to in the next service visit in six months for oil change? It emanates from the pedal and of that I am almost sure. I can hear it coming from my pedal foot.

Could the cause be..but I doubt it - the carpet. It developed only recently (last two days) after the top carpet was slipping in between the pedal (previous owner had two sets of carpets to protect original carpet and I just went along with the idea). I took the carpet out but could NOT get rid of the squeak so it may well be something to do with the linkage.

Any thoughts welcome and appreciated. Thanks.

Francesco 06-15-2001 10:27 AM

Sounds exactly the same as I had on my car. If it's the same as mine then it was one of the small "ball and socket" joints behind the accelerator producing the squeak. Remove the floor mat. Underneath it and the black rubber sound insulation you'll find a wooden floor plate secured with a half dozen screws. Remove the gas pedal by simply snapping it back off its ball-socket retainer. Remove the floor plate and you will now see these two other metal ball-socket joints. If you twiddle around with them, hopefully you'll be able to identify the squeak. Spray WD40 or grease them. WD40 gets in there nicely as it's v. tight. Re-assemble the floor plates etc. Getting the gas pedal back on is a little painful but just align the ball-socket at the rear and push the gas pedal till it hits the floor(backstop) and then keep pushing till it clicks in (push it in the middle of it's length ie directly behing the ball-socket). Job done hopefully. I admire you having the courage to put this post on the board as I suffered in silence until I could no longer bear this most annoying of tiny squeaks. PS mine occurred exactly as you describe yours!! Good luck

Ran 06-15-2001 11:24 AM

Thanks much. Will try it later today or over weekend.
But why the suffering? >>>as I suffered in silence<<<?

Afraid of tyrants? I thought I may as well leverage any info already available. Sound and appropriate use of the board I thought!! Hopefully, I am not at odds with the majority consensus. For those offended, I apologise and perhaps if I remember I will, with my next such question, include an apology in advance.

thanks again.

Viken 06-15-2001 11:45 AM

Ran, my C4S gas pedal has done that since day one. I haven't bothered doing anything about it, though.

Ran 06-15-2001 12:02 PM

Yes, I was going to ignore it too. And then just posted it to waste bandwidth :)) and people's time. Someone give me a one star please.

Anyway, thanks again guys for the help. I dont know why I have four stars here. Must be grade inflation.

update: I recd an unnecessary apology via email from someone - so I must emphasize that I was not, in the least, offended or insulted etc. etc.. I was just laughing at myself with this rejoinder about wasting bandwidth :) Hope its clear. Cheers. If anything I am grateful for any and all help.

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Ran ]

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