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CC993 06-01-2001 01:27 PM

Big Brother's in my 993 list...
Ben Franklin said it best, "When you trade freedom for security, you have neither." Trying to keep out the "undesirables" is not the way to go. All great people and their ideas were at one time thought to be "undesirable." Each individual should decide for himself what they wish acknowledge/ignore. The schoolyard lesson still applies, bullies go away when ignored.

Perhaps scarier is the user rating. Opinions are opinions and should not be subject to rating. Again, allow each individual to make up their own minds.

My $.02. I guess I'll get a poor rating now, Eh? Oh, well...


Terry Adams 06-01-2001 01:42 PM

I applaud the new format, understand the need for it, and appreciate the work that goes into it. I have a cable modem that mitigates the download issue. I agree with your comment about this rating system. We all know who contributes selflessly, who starts the flames, and who (like me) just reads as much as possible to augment my meagre mechanical and driving knowledge. There, I have just rated myself.

spr993 06-02-2001 05:15 PM

Agree with the above - the rating game is a rather petty effort at elitism - these cars are complex and experiences vary - a really unusual problem may have been encountered and it'll be a lowly unrated guy who's encountered it before and has the answer!

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