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GTgears 05-21-2017 11:14 AM

Mmm. Cheeseboard.

fskof 05-21-2017 11:17 AM

Mooty you are the man! Your living the life! Great cars, great bikes, great food. Your lucky to have a wife that understands your passions in life.
Keep posting because it always makes my day reading them :cheers:

mooty 05-21-2017 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by doba_s (Post 14199847)
Must be tough to plan a day like that 😜

u know it. i have another planned. you are welcome to get over as i will climb pagemill to skyline today. i am procrastinating as it will be hot and steep.

Originally Posted by doborder (Post 14199855)
I'm so hungry now... damn u mooty
I just finished dinner lol

well at 2pm today, we have GT4 gathering off skyline, food is involved. chk GT4 board.

Originally Posted by Dewinator (Post 14199882)
Wait what kind of bike tide? Mtb or lame roadie bs?

i do both and raced MTB before i had gray hair now mainly roadie. there are more nicer girl with calves on road bikes. there is a reason i ride and health aint it ;-)

Originally Posted by WernerE (Post 14199952)
I bet that pizza will be worth less when Dominos comes out with new & improved triple thick crust pepperoni in September.

u know it buddy. new model with more deivation is always better. "Vesta Pizza" at redwood city has honey and chili pepper pizza,.... you got to try that when out here.

Originally Posted by Yargk (Post 14199972)
Drives are always fun, but being a couple blocks from both Brazil Cafe and Cheese Board, I walk. :cheers:

it appears you are a Cal grad lol
you live near heaven
i lived on fransicso and MLK. man, the town changed. Makris Cafe gone. Oscar burger is now some "green food veggie thing..." i cant' find the place i used to buy pot oh well....

Originally Posted by RealityGT (Post 14200004)
No tripe, mooty?:)

we shall eat together one day. you know what's good.
i didn't post tripe, or balls in fear the less adventurous eater would puke...

Originally Posted by DC640 (Post 14200032)
Mooty- that is quiet a day!

24C - u don't know about quality sushi at Parump? (Sherry's ranch has quality choices LOL)

I was stuck in corporate meeting this weekend :)

i have yet to stay awake in our board meetings,. they finally stopped bothering me. i have never once voted YES in last 15 years. so they just let me sleep and surf RL and presume my vote is NO.

with regard to Sherry's ranch sushi... do you mean sushi like fish or you mean other body parts on women?

Originally Posted by bronson7 (Post 14200079)
This is getting scary. Too much like Mooty. Had my daily morning steel cut oats etc, worked 4 hrs, bike ride 4hrs, 2hrs in the car and a great evening with pretty woman (daughter and wife) and grandson yesterday. Sorry no pics. Day of rest today, have to catch up with RL.

4 hours is a good ride. i am out for 3 hours today, soon....
i see you are quick to "qualify" who the pretty women are hahahah...

Originally Posted by tasman (Post 14200180)
Working hard to make my cars worthless. Hard to do in winter here. Maybe some day I'll get smart and move to someplace warm. Then I can drive and bike year round. I can still eat here year round. LOL

i am not sure where wisconsin is, i thnk you make cheese?
but CA is where you should be.
better car
better food
better women

Originally Posted by FJSeattle (Post 14200276)
Is that Reznor heater to code?

heater is.
the drywall enclosing it likely not.
but thats not the big issue, as u know once i enter any building, the bldg is no longer to code.

mooty 05-21-2017 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by fskof (Post 14200304)
Mooty you are the man! Your living the life! Great cars, great bikes, great food. Your lucky to have a wife that understands your passions in life.
Keep posting because it always makes my day reading them :cheers:

wife doesnt understand. she thinks i am crazy but divorce will cost her too much money so she puts up with it. i am very understanding as i learned how to tune out 90% of her nagging so we get along fine. i hope to be deaf by 60 as i heard women gets worse as they age, my mom nags even more....

Originally Posted by GTgears (Post 14200301)
Mmm. Cheeseboard.

next time you lmk and i get you some bread.
love sunday bread, which as you know is only made and sold on saturday ....

robmypro 05-21-2017 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by mooty (Post 14199816)
fast car
good food
pretty women

And great music. RIP Chris.

Waxer 05-21-2017 11:47 AM

Mooty demostrates true value of a Porsche with pictures rather than words..

Kudos. :thumbup:

Dewinator 05-21-2017 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by mooty (Post 14200309)
i do both and raced MTB before i had gray hair now mainly roadie. there are more nicer girl with calves on road bikes. there is a reason i ride and health aint it ;-)

Hahahah very good call. :) I wish there were more women on the trails, since I'm over 200 I just can't comfortably sit on a bike w/o full squish.

golfnutintib 05-21-2017 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by doba_s (Post 14199847)
Must be tough to plan a day like that ��

hey doba - i sent u email about marin drive after tony lee pinged me... did u receive it? hope u can get up at break of dawn join me and chris one weekend soon

Originally Posted by ChrisF (Post 14199857)
I feel bad. Just drove RS into the city to collect two new Assos bibs. Dropped three gears when I hit the tunnel before the GGB. Will probably crack 12k miles this weekend. Car is practically worthless now.

Great dinner last night with my crazy redhead, golfnutintib, GF and offspring. Mooty, OMG the sushi! Sushi Ran is out as favorite. No pictures; was too busy eating everything they put in front of me.

fast cars
great food
pretty women
...and good friends

PS: lots of all of the above with SSTHO incoming. 2nd and 3rd dinners to be had by all.

+1000 .......... very hard to top sushi ran but we have a new winner!!!! better value too!! :thumbup:

Originally Posted by DC640 (Post 14200032)
Mooty- that is quiet a day!

Spyder- complaining about weather? Texas weather is bipolar for summer. Hot and humid for 3 hours then thunderstorm w hail and lightning for 2 hours then sunny again.

24C - u don't know about quality sushi at Parump? (Sherry's ranch has quality choices LOL)

I was stuck in corporate meeting this weekend :)

Get out and drive. Had wonderful time at COTA at PCA event. Great facility

u able to get out of that conference room to be at bw this upcoming weekend? or we have to eat souffle for you?

nuvolari612 05-21-2017 01:35 PM

Great stuff - love to see car nuts who understand real value.

GrantG 05-21-2017 02:13 PM

Nice going, Mooty!

mooty 05-21-2017 03:15 PM

suffered in morning getting ready for RLster drive at 2pm i skip meat u are around woodside, the climb is pagemill from arastradero to skyline. many of u speed up this section. keep away from the cyclist. most of them are at 150-190 bpm heart rate and are BARELY in control of their bikes. they may FALL onto ur car. i'm not kidding. u try ride up that thing. most ppl will die half way up and if u
can get up in less than 60 min i'll ride with ya

Dewinator 05-21-2017 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by mooty (Post 14200701)
if u are around woodside, the climb is pagemill from arastradero to skyline. many of u speed up this section. keep away from the cyclist. most of them are at 150-190 bpm heart rate and are BARELY in control of their bikes. they may FALL onto ur car. i'm not kidding. u try ride up that thing. most ppl will die half way up and if u
can get up in less than 60 min i'll ride with ya

Oh cool, I've been out to Woodside since my girlfriend does the horsie thing. It's super nice and every third car was another Porsche it seemed like. Are there good MTB trails down there? I need to branch out and find something new instead of just doing Rockville every other day.

zaitsev 05-21-2017 03:40 PM

Mooty.. the porsche police may come after you for having better marketing than their marketing team!

mooty 05-21-2017 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Dewinator (Post 14200728)
Oh cool, I've been out to Woodside since my girlfriend does the horsie thing. It's super nice and every third car was another Porsche it seemed like. Are there good MTB trails down there? I need to branch out and find something new instead of just doing Rockville every other day.

russian ridge: easy to med
skagg: need technical skills
saratoga gap: med but u can go really fast if u want
big basin: i don't know name of trsil
but im sure u can find the illegal
single trk once u get there lol

Originally Posted by zaitsev (Post 14200754)
Mooty.. the porsche police may come after you for having better marketing than their marketing team!

i feel they should just give me a pts rs every new model. it's cheaper than marketing

Dewinator 05-21-2017 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by mooty (Post 14200759)
russian ridge: easy to med
skagg: need technical skills
saratoga gap: med but u can go really fast if u want
big basin: i don't know name of trsil
but im sure u can find the illegal
single trk once u get there lol

Oooo I'm gonna check it out thanks!

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