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TRAKCAR 09-22-2018 08:03 PM
This thread makes me both eager and worried about Jan/Feb/March ED..
I can go south but I really hope to be back at Spa and the Ring at least.

Good times!!!

seapar 09-22-2018 08:24 PM

Great write up. Glad you both had a wonderful experience. I'm sure you'll try to plan more trips if your schedule allows. Coming down to Rennsport?

Banango 09-22-2018 08:43 PM

Thanks for this fantastic, well written, and beautifully illustrated memoir of your trip, and the review of the car. It provides enormous food for thought and excellent advice as we plan. If I were to complain of its length I’d ask for more, not less.

orthojoe 09-22-2018 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Chris3963 (Post 15309986)
Great write up. Agree about RSR. They promote a premium experience and charge a premium price but, IMO, its one of the poorest track day experiences I have ever had at Spa. They let a zillion cars on the track with hugely varying levels of speed and talent. The day I attended there were Renault Clios and Minis mixing it up with a Cup car and a GT3 AMG car. At one point the Cup car went 3 wide to 2 cars. Crazy. I will not attend one of their events ever again. But I still love Spa. And your lap time for a Spa Virgin is very, very good.

Thanks man! I wish I had more time to go back and keep learning more about the track.
I was wondering if it was an unusually packed day or the norm. I guess it's the norm. For future knowledge and for others reading, which groups are better/less crowded? During my day there were A LOT of cup cars running at the same time as clios and minis as well. Some of them ignored the passing on left only rule and made a lot of the participants uncomfortable. I thought in terms of passing and courtesy everything was fine and great otherwise, but it could be that my racing experience has made me a lot more tolerant and aware of close/aggressive driving. LOL
The number of cars on track was totally unexpected and I think excessive for what they were advertising and charging. My experience at the ring was a MUCH better deal and experience.

Originally Posted by Larry Cable (Post 15310196)
Eau Rouge/Radillion

BriedScheid Bridge

Larry! It's been forever! We've got to meet up at a track day one of these days when my car gets back!

Originally Posted by TRAKCAR (Post 15310226)

This thread makes me both eager and worried about Jan/Feb/March ED..
I can go south but I really hope to be back at Spa and the Ring at least.

Good times!!!

Fingers crossed that the weather turns out to be better than expected for you. I got really lucky with the weather during my trip.

Originally Posted by seapar (Post 15310268)
Great write up. Glad you both had a wonderful experience. I'm sure you'll try to plan more trips if your schedule allows. Coming down to Rennsport?

Yes. Going on Saturday. Another first for me. Never been to Monterey for a car event other than races/track days. LOL.

Originally Posted by Banango (Post 15310315)
Thanks for this fantastic, well written, and beautifully illustrated memoir of your trip, and the review of the car. It provides enormous food for thought and excellent advice as we plan. If I were to complain of its length I’d ask for more, not less.

Thanks, man. I was worried people would get lost with the big wall of texts and pictures! LOL

911therapy 09-22-2018 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by orthojoe (Post 15309929)
Oh I've been sour on PCCB ever since they delaminated on my boxster spyder after 7 days and ended up on my garage wall as a clock. The factory driver agreed. The ring instructor/racer agreed. If you track, red brakes.
No performance benefit. No longevity benefit. PeteVB did the calculations and the weight benefit is the equivalent of weight difference you would feel driving on new tires vs worn tires. Only real world benefit is less dust and they look cool, which I don't care about. Have you seen the chips on my car? LOL!

From a PSDS instructor I talked to 3 years ago

Ahhhh, I gotcha, I missed the delamination issue......I've tried the oem steel, oem PCCB and the AP kit. So, far, prefer PCCB, but havent had issues yet...

Back to topic, I've been averse to spending vacation across the pond (long flight, planning and organizing the unknown, language barrier, currency etc). But, you've convince me an ED trip for GT car would be worth it...!

The LG RS will survive the chips...I'm proud its no garage queen!

JAhmed 09-22-2018 10:30 PM

Great thread Joe, and thanks for sharing. Had already seen some of your videos and commented on YT...they definitely make me want to do ED one day!

I basically attribute every rock chip on my 991 to track use...its how I make myself feel better about them. At least you can say you got yours at the Ring and Spa!!!

mooty 09-23-2018 12:00 AM


sampelligrino 09-23-2018 12:20 AM

Ok Larry and Trakcar - you forced my hand :roflmao: (this would make for a cool thread)

Thinker23 09-23-2018 12:35 AM

Thanks for sharing the experience. You are the man! Finally pulled the trigger and got an RS allocation this afternoon. Hope to see you at the local track one of these days.

SToronto 09-23-2018 12:48 AM

Great story!! Nice to watch the vids with that fresh RS. I see what you mean about the bumps on track on the high speed portions. Car seemed well composed despite the bumps at high speed.

Now you need to take a 3.5 yr old and 1 yr old on an ED trip and give me ideas to convince the wife. Will need it by next March please. Albeit, Cayenne ED.

groundhog 09-23-2018 02:47 AM

Thanks for putting the time aside to do the write up. Great read on a Sunday afternoon. Love the colour and as Goethe once said "Boldness, has genius, power and magic in it". :)

signes 09-23-2018 02:58 AM

Fantastic write up, really brought back a lot of memories. You have a great writing style and the videos were well done.

Chris3963 09-23-2018 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by orthojoe (Post 15310372)
Thanks man! I wish I had more time to go back and keep learning more about the track.
I was wondering if it was an unusually packed day or the norm. I guess it's the norm. For future knowledge and for others reading, which groups are better/less crowded? During my day there were A LOT of cup cars running at the same time as clios and minis as well. Some of them ignored the passing on left only rule and made a lot of the participants uncomfortable. I thought in terms of passing and courtesy everything was fine and great otherwise, but it could be that my racing experience has made me a lot more tolerant and aware of close/aggressive driving. LOL
The number of cars on track was totally unexpected and I think excessive for what they were advertising and charging. My experience at the ring was a MUCH better deal and experience.

I have always had a good experience with the Pistenclub. They are cheaper but as equally well organised..and their events are full of real enthusiasts and good drivers. They run two groups. Road legal cars and race/slick tyre cars. So you never get crazy things like CUP cars running alongside Minis.

Another good group is Curbstone. They also run two groups to separate road cars from race cars. They are at the top end price wise, but are well organised with good food, etc. And uniquely, each car gets a transponder that keeps track of your lap times. Then in the lounge area they have a couple of big monitors that show the lap times of all the cars in your group for comparison. At the end of each session they then print out all every lap time of every car in your session so you can compare your times to every other car. After the event, they post all the lap times of every car from every session on their website for you to download. Its a nice feature.

Ritesh 09-23-2018 07:30 AM

Congratulations. Epic Thread, pics and video! Pulling a 8:14 at the 'Ring is amazing.

Forget about the chips. You got to see the car at the factory and drive the ring. The chips were worth the lifetime of memories! Though I doubt you will be able to truly "forget them".

Now I wish someone would sell me a Green RS!!!

rosenbergendo 09-23-2018 08:07 AM

Awesome thread! Any other pics of that black .2 RS with gold rims next to yours?

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