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96redLT4 09-08-2018 01:35 AM

How loyal are you to your nearest Porsche dealer?
I do not purport to be as heavy a hitter as some of you guys buying Porsche cars but I have ordered 2 911s new and bought 3 cars from the same sales guy at my local dealership. About 18 mths ago I told him I was interested in a GT3T and he put my name on 'the list'. Saw him at a car show a year ago and he said I was still on the list and he should be able to get me a car in 2018. No word since. I saw on their website they have a new GT3 RS for sale so I emailed him to see if they had any more GT3 allocations. The terse response 'they are not making touring cars anymore. I do have an RS for sale.' My experience with the service dept has been only fair over the yrs. Should I stay loyal and wait my turn, which will probably never come, or hop skip to the bigger dealers further away?


Nick 09-08-2018 01:53 AM

If your loyalty is not acknowledged or rewarded, what’s the point of the loyalty? How can you be worst off going to another dealer? You may or may not start at the back of the line but based on how your present dealer has treated you, you’ll probably do better.

jackmac 09-08-2018 02:08 AM

If your definition of loyalty rewarded you with a car/build slot, you wouldn't be here posting this thread. Money talks, loyalty unfortunately has no value in this day and age. Do yourself a favor and start calling around if you want a car, your local dealership could care less.
Good luck,

usctrojanGT3 09-08-2018 02:16 AM

I'm not loyal to any of the dealers within driving distance to me because they are either stealers or have too many good customers to treat me like one.

Yippiekiaye 09-08-2018 02:23 AM

F em. They dont give two squats about you. Ive learned that the hard way. They are in for the quick buck and not for the long term relationship. Ditch them and dont be loyal to any dealer. Ive played that game and lost. Now I say screw em. Ill look for the best deal and the best service - and if service sucks, but the deal is good, Ill hold my nose and do the deal. But loyalty? Meh.

Ascend 09-08-2018 03:04 AM

Loyalty means nothing. $ talks. Adm gets you the car (either straight up cash or taking hits on trade in)

mooty 09-08-2018 03:06 AM

loyalty hahahaha surely you jest
they fk you when you are not looking
if they rub my back I will rub theirs
and when I rub their back, they make good money
but some of the local dealer are really just not very bright. they will forever be SELLING cars instead of BUYING DRIVING them.

17bhub 09-08-2018 03:44 AM

Short answer - loyal

long answer...

Loyal to Porsche Fresno - they (CJ and Sean) have been very transparent, helpful, knowledgeable, and responsive. I have other dealers I could have gone with closer to me but their service and customer support is just not there (stealerships). Fresno sets the bar so high that in my opinion other dealers can’t match it. When it comes to allocations I clearly know when I will get a shot at one and when I will not. I’m much happier with the honesty instead of the runaround. Let’s face it there are not enough allocations to go around to make everybody happy and I don’t have bazillions to buy my way to the top. So, If I don’t get an allocation I definitely do not go looking at other dealers - that sort of kills the trust I want to build. My philosophy is if I’m loyal to one dealer with regards to all my buys and sales I’ll get my fair share of opportunities on the new stuff and I will likely hear about some other cool exciting car opportunity I never really thought of. The other dealers don’t have that breadth of knowledge - that’s CJ’s passion!

CJ and his group have good access and info on vehicles beyond just the latest and greatest model to help me round out the collection and satisfy the driving senses. Never had a dealer talking to me about 10 and 20 year old cars that I had no idea could be so much better than some of the new stuff.

I guess this might be plug for Fresno but my message is that you can be loyal and end up with an allocation but it does require work and transparency on both sides. It appears that you have made some significant purchases over the year but I question if you have the right “sales guy”.... is he the “decision maker” or do you need to have a conversation with the general manager/principal of the dealership. The sales guy may of had good intention but was he overridden? On the other hand maybe there truly wasn’t any allocations remaining. I’m pretty sure every dealer would like to wave a magic wond and give each of their clients exactly what they want but as we all know Porsche does not build enough to meet the demand. Might want to jump on that RS - that is a pretty nice consolation prize unless of course they’re tacking on an adm. good luck!

CAlexio 09-08-2018 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by 17bhub
Short answer - loyal

long answer...

Loyal to Porsche Fresno - they (CJ and Sean) have been very transparent, helpful, knowledgeable, and responsive. I have other dealers I could have gone with closer to me but their service and customer support is just not there (stealerships). Fresno sets the bar so high that in my opinion other dealers can’t match it. When it comes to allocations I clearly know when I will get a shot at one and when I will not. I’m much happier with the honesty instead of the runaround. Let’s face it there are not enough allocations to go around to make everybody happy and I don’t have bazillions to buy my way to the top. So, If I don’t get an allocation I definitely do not go looking at other dealers - that sort of kills the trust I want to build. My philosophy is if I’m loyal to one dealer with regards to all my buys and sales I’ll get my fair share of opportunities on the new stuff and I will likely hear about some other cool exciting car opportunity I never really thought of. The other dealers don’t have that breadth of knowledge - that’s CJ’s passion!

CJ and his group have good access and info on vehicles beyond just the latest and greatest model to help me round out the collection and satisfy the driving senses. Never had a dealer talking to me about 10 and 20 year old cars that I had no idea could be so much better than some of the new stuff.

I guess this might be plug for Fresno but my message is that you can be loyal and end up with an allocation but it does require work and transparency on both sides. It appears that you have made some significant purchases over the year but I question if you have the right “sales guy”.... is he the “decision maker” or do you need to have a conversation with the general manager/principal of the dealership. The sales guy may of had good intention but was he overridden? On the other hand maybe there truly wasn’t any allocations remaining. I’m pretty sure every dealer would like to wave a magic wond and give each of their clients exactly what they want but as we all know Porsche does not build enough to meet the demand. Might want to jump on that RS - that is a pretty nice consolation prize unless of course they’re tacking on an adm. good luck!


Dougr743 09-08-2018 07:26 AM

I am in sales,(not auto sales) i don't know your dealer or the rep, i do know there are times you just cannot create the perfect storm for each and every customer. You always try, the effort is the most important part of the sale. If the rep is pummeled with multiple clients that want something they just cannot produce, it becomes very frustrating and your sales rep could be dealing with many loyal customers wanting what you want also. With that said, the way the rep and dealer handle it, is more important than the outcome for most. If they were just about the transaction, you would not have an offer for an RS. They can sell every RS at 50k over, so maybe you need to have a sit down, express your concern and see if the problem is bigger than the rep.

I want to help hard working people make solid income. I would pay more for (just about anything) if i felt the person working on my behalf is genuine and wants to help make the experience gratifying. I want that person to financially benefit from the process. If they just cannot get you a car due to limited allocations or the fact they have a laundry list of people and can never fulfill all the demand, they will not be upset if you find a touring somewhere else. They should be thankful you got want you wanted, kept a purchase in the porsche family, and congratulate you on finding a car!

TexasPorschelover 09-08-2018 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by CAlexio (Post 15274587)

Loyalty is built and earned - two way street. Porsche Fresno needs to learn a little etiquette I will say. My Irish Green Targa was being sold by Porsche of North Houston and on Rennlist. CJW took a shot at the pricing on the Rennlist listing - I thought that was interesting... The PNH guys certainly don't take shots at Fresno's listings. Anyway, Fresno's unnecessary input wasn't appreciated but I'm sure they treat their inner circle cabal just fine. Targa sold for Ask price BTW.....

Manifold 09-08-2018 09:40 AM

I bought all of my new Porsches from my local dealer, and have never visited or even called another dealer. No adm on either of the two GT cars, and discounts on the other cars. That said, I haven’t been impressed by my dealer’s service department and have had all non-warranty work done by my local independent shop.

djcxxx 09-08-2018 09:50 AM

Been with local dealer since 1998. The people I have worked with are also enthusiasts. Two Boxsters, a Cayman S, 7 911s, and all service work later one could say I front loaded the ADMs on two GT3s at MSRP, the 15 .1 being sold back to dealer. Loyalty means eating and letting the other guy eat as well. Lot of people here get angry when they can’t eat the egg and keep the shell too.

STG 09-08-2018 09:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Once you realize that kind of relationship it is, you can see clearly. Loyalty in the car business is never a two way street. You pay to play.

Attachment 1290364

Attachment 1290365

Wait until an economic slowdown, the dealers will be singing a different tune. The first thing that is hit are luxury car sales.

sgroer 09-08-2018 09:56 AM

As loyal as the sun. Every car I get from them at msrp goes back through them in some form or fashion. They know it. I have always been no drama and loyal. They are a great dealer, they see my business as a true partnership - we’ve both helped each other out at times. I usually keep my cars a year to 18 months, drive the piss out of them and bring them back for whatever is next. The recent transaction was a notable exception, only keeping my 18 gt3 for 5 months but that’s because now was the only time to get a GT2RS and I had to have it. I struggled with keeping both the gt3 and the gt2rs, financially and logistically.

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