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_fletch 04-24-2018 06:39 PM

GT3 Roadtrip: Alabama to New York - route suggestions and stops
Fellow RLs,

I have a precious 3.5 day fun token to spend and need to drive my new GT3T from Birmingham AL to New York. Brit ex-pat here so still learning (but loving) US geography but it looks like I have the choice of going through the Appalachians (most direct) or taking a more northern route and visiting a few more states I haven't been in yet and perhaps some more interesting cities (eg Nashville). I'm a little split as I'd like to visit both.

Really interested to hear peoples opinions on the routes and also weird and crazy things to see and do on the way etc.
Apellacian Route
Northern Route

TexasPorschelover 04-24-2018 07:05 PM

PEC Atlanta

GT3 04-24-2018 07:15 PM

Great looking car. Congrats. Like stated above, PEC Atlanta definitely worth the detour...

maspirito 04-24-2018 07:25 PM

Try to take a detour and do the Cherahola skyway and drive some of the roads in the smokies around Asheville

gan1hck 04-24-2018 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by maspirito (Post 14965024)
Try to take a detour and do the Cherahola skyway and drive some of the roads in the smokies around Asheville


Tail of the Dragon is also right there....

Nashville, is nice, but unless you plan to spend the night there, it's not worth just driving through..timing wouldn't be right for your 3 and 1/2 day trip.

Akunob 04-24-2018 07:52 PM

Great car, sounds like a nice road trip. If you take the more direct route that goes through the state of Virginia, whatever you do, don’t get pulled over doing over 80mph!! Serious consequences! Enjoy.

_fletch 04-24-2018 07:57 PM

some great advice from all. definitely want to do the dragons tail. So that sounds like ill be taking the Appalachian route. The only problem I have with that is after I get to around Roanoke theres basically nothing right? (well nothing I'm really interested in or haven't already done)

gan1hck 04-24-2018 08:07 PM

As far as I know, just droning on the highway from there on until New York.

Neat places to stop along the way though along the east coast.

Va, Beach, Norfolk, DC, Baltimore, etc.

robmypro 04-24-2018 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Akunob (Post 14965074)
Great car, sounds like a nice road trip. If you take the more direct route that goes through the state of Virginia, whatever you do, don’t get pulled over doing over 80mph!! Serious consequences! Enjoy.

Definitely agree about Virginia. That would be a great reason NOT to drive through the state IMO.

Guest89 04-25-2018 12:42 AM

PEC Atlanta

Appalachia has great roads throughout (can start north of Atlanta and do the dragon and tail of the dragon easily in a day)

Avoid Virginia (or be resigned to driving 5 over on I-81)

R.Deacon 04-25-2018 01:32 AM

fletch FYI radar detectors are illegal in VA. , 5 years ago or so heading up to Sebring out in rural farm country Sheriff stops me for 20 over or so , comments nice car where u going ,I tell him heading to the track instructing , had any tickets in the last ten years ? i reply geez not that I can recall ? he takes my paper work then returns after running my info and states well you did have a speeding ticket in VA awhile back , I got one there too ! those guys are the worst
here you go take it easy and drive safe handing me a warning . .

eastern route gets my vote

sgroer 04-25-2018 08:11 AM

With either of your routes, you are skipping some of the best roads in the country / world. Can I suggest you PM Smokies route leader Andy (C2Spin) ? He will definitely have some ideas for you! We have studied almost every road in the NGA, ETN, WNC area. You must not skip them!

_fletch 04-25-2018 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by sgroer (Post 14966025)
With either of your routes, you are skipping some of the best roads in the country / world. Can I suggest you PM Smokies route leader Andy (C2Spin) ? He will definitely have some ideas for you! We have studied almost every road in the NGA, ETN, WNC area. You must not skip them!

Thanks for the tip i'll reach out to him!

Concerned that doing the Appalachians restricts me to then having to do VA....

sgroer 04-25-2018 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by _fletch
Thanks for the tip i'll reach out to him!

Concerned that doing the Appalachians restricts me to then having to do VA....

It is absolutely worth it.

lfish 04-25-2018 10:45 AM

If your route preference takes you through Kentucky and you have an interest in thoroughbreds the Horse Park near Lexington is not to be missed. The Corvette Museum and Racetrack near Bowling Green are extremely worthwhile. The link I pasted above details the roads around the Hocking Hills in southern Ohio. This is where Car and Driver brings their cars for "the best driving roads outside of the Nurburgring." Safe driving and enjoy the trip!!

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