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patrickkirby 03-14-2019 09:03 PM

Coolant leak on track at DE event
Drivers front lead from radiator area, engine temperature was normal. I think it could be a fitting/clamp came loose of hose rupture. Any ideas on a fix ? Is it accessible after removing the under tray ? It sitting at the indy mechanic but they won't get to it for a week or so. Thinking of DIYing this weekend. Appreciate any advice.

Pep!RRRR 03-14-2019 09:47 PM

What type of car? Any visual damage to the condenser? (Radiator sits behind.)

Hard to believe you would split or loosen a hose on a newer car? Also, this would probably cause a major coolant dump and elevated temp. You could take the undercover off for a look. To really see everything you would probably need to take off the bumper cover.

One thing to keep in mind is that even if it is an easy fix (loose hose), to refill the coolant will require a vacuum tool and compressor.

85Gold 03-14-2019 10:00 PM

Quick check is remove the fender liner but it isn’t hard to drop the bumper cover either. Are you sure it’s coolant and not washer fluid from the headlight washer.


badabing 03-14-2019 10:13 PM

Have you have any work done in that area recently?

I had some coolng system work done a few years ago and the tech left one of the hoses loose under the car (not pushed in all the way so the clip was locked). It only leaked when the car warmed up and built pressure.

Had to dump all the coolant reseat the hose and refill with airlift vacuum tool.

Then after all that I found another small leak at the front. Bad oring on a hose going into a front rad.

Not about to dump the coolant again, I got the noise of the car as high as possible. Drove up those ramps they sell at autozone. Was able to pull the one end of the hose with minimal coolant loss, change the oring and plug back in.

Then I backed up the ramps and got the coolant reservoir up in the air as high as possible and let the engine run and revving it here and there to circulate and try and get any air pockets out.

My bumper cover was already off by the way.

patrickkirby 03-14-2019 11:38 PM

Should have mentioned its a 2005 Boxster S. Car used for autocross and track days. Coolant let loose at the end of day 2, however this run was after 90 min break so engine temps where cool. I did not hit anything, but was driving hard and put 1/2 a wheel on a rumble strip coming out of 12 at Road Atlanta. Definitely coolant as it was pouring out the fender well. I've had the power steering lines all replaced recently.

Pep!RRRR 03-15-2019 10:17 AM

Try removing the wheel well liner if that’s where the fluid was coming out. Good luck!

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