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Rabid_ant 12-31-2017 06:57 AM

Battery replacement 987 issues
Hi all, i'm new to the group and seem to have picked up my first issue on my 05 987. So i've hunted and read loads online and see that this can cause copious issues. So my battery fault, left the key on the ignition by accident. Removed it, charged it up and returned it. Started it up, and the usual happened. PSM warning, no stress. Drove the car round the block, PSM warning disappeared but then kicked me a second error "go to dealer" etc. got home, and turned it off. ALAS...key stuck in the ignition. got that out through the lock and ignition wouldn't switch off. ......problem. Solution, disconnect the battery again and reconnect. now the ignition wont switch on when i insert the key, and the key locks in place every time i put it in. But its just completely dead when inserting the key. Car will also not lock or unlock with the remote anymore. multiple sadness......anything i should be looking at trying?

Rabid_ant 12-31-2017 07:34 AM left it disconnected for a bit and reconnected now again. Key works...drove it to get rid of the PSM error and sorted, no other issues so far. Will have it checked in the new year anyway.

Marine Blue 12-31-2017 01:07 PM

The car should relearn all of the prior settings although sometimes the window settings may need some coaxing.

extanker 12-31-2017 01:22 PM

how old is the battery

Rabid_ant 01-02-2018 06:29 AM

Battery is new....strange again.....Car was fine for 2 days, did a long coast drive no issues. Stopped and started it a few times on the drive. Got home and let it stand for a back top it, remote didnt work at all and upon inserting the key again, no ignition and the key locked in again. Tried everything, and finally disconnected the battery for 10 min. Re-connected it and all fine, no problem. Now i'm hesitant to use the car in case it gives the same issue again. I suspect a trip to the Stealers or a good indi at some stage.

terbiumactivated 01-02-2018 09:45 AM

Were you using the same key? Both keys have to relearn and if memory serves me correctly inserting it into the door and leaving it there reprograms the key? That might not be correct I'm sure someone else can chime in on that.

Rabid_ant 01-03-2018 01:17 PM

So it continues....... got home this evening after pulling the car in on Monday. Neither remote will unlock the car, i have to manually unlock the door. Once in, i push the key into the ignition and nothing happens, no light or any activate, try turning to the right and nothing happens, and then the key is locked into the ignition. Steering is also locked. I suspect if i disconnect the battery, leave it for 10 min and try again it will work. Battery is showing a good 12.6 volts....any chances it can be the battery after leaving it for so long with the ignition on?

Marine Blue 01-03-2018 03:54 PM

It might be worth trying a different battery just to rule it out. If it fails you can always return the battery.

Also any chance the batteries in the keys are dying and causing issues?

I’m clearly just throwing ideas out there, hopefully someone else has come across this and can chime in with a better assessment.

Rabid_ant 01-12-2018 10:23 AM

the pain......still no luck!!

Battery charged
Replaced remote batteries
checked all the fuses

It's almost as if the whole car is getting no power. only the clock on the dash, power windows ect have power. door lights don't illuminate, i can't open front or rear lids with the remote, but can from inside the car. Is there any main power relay into the car? remembering if i insert the key into the dash i get nothing. almost as if there's no power to the car other than the auxillaries? Can it be the immobilizer unit under the seat? i figured that only impacted starting post ignition, not before?


User 41221 03-04-2018 10:35 AM

Were you able to resolve this issue?

Rabid_ant 03-07-2018 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by sh944 (Post 14845751)
Were you able to resolve this issue?

Indeed ....a semi costly exercise but it has been sorted. Turns out the PAS (Porsche Access System) module was intermittently toast so had to be replaced. Both keys had to be reprogrammed too so had to go to the dealership to get sorted. Not a cheap or fun exercise. Parts had to be shipped in from Germany.

Mrg02D 03-07-2018 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Rabid_ant (Post 14852852)
Indeed ....a semi costly exercise but it has been sorted. Turns out the PAS (Porsche Access System) module was intermittently toast so had to be replaced. Both keys had to be reprogrammed too so had to go to the dealership to get sorted. Not a cheap or fun exercise. Parts had to be shipped in from Germany.

So what caused PAS module to fail?

Rabid_ant 03-07-2018 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Mrg02D (Post 14853183)

So what caused PAS module to fail?

left the ignition on overnight..... post that was cooked 😱

User 41221 03-10-2018 05:49 PM

Ouch, that sucks! I am always wary of leaving the key in the ignition if I am not driving the car, that will just add to my paranoia.

At least you are driving again! Thanks for the update.

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