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FlyinTomato 07-14-2013 04:47 PM

964 steering rack noise
my car has broken steering rack boots when bought. It is on my todo list.

Before I get to fix this. My steering rack has developed some grinding noise when I turn the steering wheel. It makes noise on both direction. The noise wasn't there when I bought the car two months ago. steering fluid level is good and seem clean.

Anyway, this will need attention. A mechanic friend lifted up the car, found noise was from the center of the rack. He suggested to re grease the rack with some kind of gun and change the boots. Hoping this will fix the problem. He quoted around 3 hrs of labor.

Or my second option. After some research, I can buy a re manufactured steering rack from autozone for 435 + core. With life time warranty. It isn't a very tough DIY. I will be able to do this in my garage in this hot summer.

my online mechanic friends, is there anything I should check before I go ahead to spend the money? It would be great if it's only some simple problems that I've overlooked.

Which option would you go?

Mr.Alex 07-14-2013 05:48 PM

Can't comment on the noise, but I had this link saved from searching the forums before. Hear good things; Rack Doctor.

FlyinTomato 07-14-2013 06:01 PM

Now that's a lot cheaper than autozone. I may do this along with all the suspension upgrades that I am planning to do. If im 100% sure the rack needs to be replaced.


abarthguy 07-14-2013 09:13 PM

How are the rubber rack mounts ? They may be shot and transmitting some of the noise.....

FlyinTomato 07-14-2013 09:53 PM

Could you tell me more about the rubber rack mounts? Where do I check?

abarthguy 07-14-2013 10:07 PM

Easy to see if the car is up off the ground a bit...
2 points where the rack is bolted to the body. I was told that mine need replacing as i get some side to side movement in the rack.Should be an easy job.

FlyinTomato 07-14-2013 11:57 PM

I see. I may just replace them with these firmer mountsWhile i am at it.

I am planning to flush the fluid to see if that helps. ultimately, part of me is telling me to replace the steering rack anyway. It's 21 years old after all.

newsboy 07-15-2013 08:03 AM

I also had a broken rack boot which I was unaware of. Over time road dirt got in, and caused difficult steering. Replaced the rack with one from Vertex. Make sure you replace the 4 rack bolts.

xdecock 07-15-2013 10:06 AM


Check your fluid level, got trouble on my car, the pressure pipes are giving up, dripping ps fluid :(

I'll change the lines soon, but the grinding noise is definitively the symptom.

yellowducman 07-15-2013 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by Mr.Alex (Post 10610215)
Can't comment on the noise, but I had this link saved from searching the forums before. Hear good things; Rack Doctor.

I'm not going to bad mouth anything but I will share my experience with the rack doctor.

I had a 1989 E30 with a leaky rack. I decided to put a e36 rack in. I got one from the rack doctor (I had a another junk yard e36 rack but decided to get a rebuilt one). After installing the rack doctor rack, the power steering assist didn't work until the wheels started turning. Manual at first. I called the guy and he told me it could be air and to keep trying to use it and work it out. If it continued to do it to return it. I had planned on sending the junk yard one back as a core. It never got better and the dude quit answering his phone or emails. I only had 30 days to return the rack so when that was coming up, I remove the rack and sent it back and asked for him to repair it or at least credit me the core charge back. 4 years later I still have got no rack or core charge back. I ended up putting the junk yard one in and it was fine.

911Jetta 07-15-2013 11:58 AM

I experienced the same rubbing noise a couple months ago also.

Anytime I made a hard 90 degree turn I would hear a grinding noise that really scared me. It sounded like my tire was rubbing in the fender well... no way that's possible given my car's 4X4 height. I had to see my tech. anyway and the first thing he checked was the fluid level (and under the car up front for leaks). The fluid was low, and has been fine in the six months since it was topped off. Grinding noise was instantly after the refill.

FlyinTomato 07-15-2013 02:58 PM

911Jetta, You experience sounds very much like mine. The noise only appears on sections of the rotation.
it sounds like on off off off on off when i turn the wheel.

I am gonna check for leaks and flush out the fluid see if that improve things.
Thanks for sharing your comment.

@yellowducman, sorry to hear your experience. that does raise flag. Anyone else has experience with rack doctor?

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