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928Myles 05-29-2011 01:11 AM

Radiator fans not turning off!
Hi, 1990 S4.

Suddenly yesterday when I turned my car off the cooling fans continued to run. I popped the bonnet (hood) and they turned off - could not see anything obvious.

I know this has been discussed several times on here but cannot seem to strike that magic set of keywords in search to bring up a thread.

I tried disconnecting temp I & II with no change.

Car temp guage is where it normally sits and plenty of water so I do not think that any overheating is occuring.

Could someone please point me in the right direction of where to look (or an old thread about this)?

The fans eventually do not come back on when you close the bonnet switch but the have run for 30min with the bonnet closed without turning off.

I think that one of the sensors may be mis reading and not turning the fans off until the engine is fairly cool - what do you think.

I am due to go for a 2000km trip in it in a couple of days so would like a quick fix - otherwise I will just pop the bonnet when I stop.


Speedtoys 05-29-2011 01:16 AM

Pull the wires off the temp sender at the back of the top of the intake manifold.

928Myles 05-29-2011 01:19 AM

Yep - pulling the brown wire turns the fans off - thanks. Where to from here?


Speedtoys 05-29-2011 01:23 AM

Get a new sensor.

Thats just...IIRC, there to turn the fans on if the system things the intake is "too hot".

Go on your trip without it plugged in..enjoy. :)

WallyP 05-29-2011 01:23 AM

Either the engine is hotter than you think or the sensor is faulty.

The fans are designed to run after the ignition is switched off if the intake manifold is hot - it is normal operation. Thirty minutes is excessive, though...

928Myles 05-29-2011 01:26 AM

I have another sensor in an old manifold and (I think) a new one in my intake refresh kit. I will swap and see what happens. At least I know I can do the trip without an issue.


Speedtoys 05-29-2011 01:28 AM

Custom interior stalled

Whats wrong with your interior project?

928Myles 05-29-2011 01:35 AM

Interior project awaiting inspiration, time & money.

Will get there one day.


Speedtoys 05-29-2011 01:37 AM

Ah..ya...there is that, and those. :)

928Myles 05-29-2011 02:27 AM

Swapping in the old sensor out of the spare intake seems to have solved the problem. Must put a replacement on my next purchase list.

The 'faulty' one read 15 ohms across the two pins when cool. The secondhand one read open line when cool.

Thanks again for the help.


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