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killav 06-06-2006 05:04 PM

TBelt change out-Tension tool on Back order!!!

Took the shark out this weekend and the TBelt tension light came on (I was at about 5600 rpm when this happened). I almost sh*t myself. I pulled over and sat there pondering whether or not I should attempt to get her home. I turned off the car knowing that the light would reset and come back on in three minutes or so if all was not well. So I started it back up and waited, and nothing happened. Drove back home real easy (about five miles) and the light never came back on. Checked my records, belt/pump and all rollers, bushings, tensioner, ect. were all replaced in 1999--20,000 miles ago. The belt was re-tensioned 2000 miles later, but it has been 18,000 miles since a re-tension.


Since the belt is 7 years old anyway, I am changing my timing belt as well as all associated parts this weekend Problem is, the after-market TB tension tool is on back order. 928 International is not sure when they might get some in. I don't want my shark sitting forever waiting to set the correct tension.

Begging and pleading begins here. Is there anybody in my area (Waco, TX) that would be willing to lend me their tension tool so that I can get my car back on the road? Even if you aren't local, I would be willing to pay for shipping both ways as well as a fee for using it. I can also drive as far as Ft. Worth/Dallas area or the Austin area to pick it up if shipping is not an option. I would be very very greatful. You can IM me at:


1987 S4 Auto

dr bob 06-06-2006 07:18 PM

Hey Mike-

Jay Kempf frequents the mailing list but avoids this forum for some reason. Just listening in on his situation finds that he's in the middle of a new house-building/moving project. That probably explains why the supply of tools is a little tight right now. Jay assembles and calibrates each one of the tools.

I'm sure somebody local to you will step up with one. A local lister here in SoCal was on the lookout for one a week or so ago, and I think he ended up buying a used one from a temporarily-sharkless SoCal member real close to his house. There were sevaral offers to loan one in the meanwhile. Mines out on loan right now to a new owner doing a WP replacement. The tools do get around a little I guess.

killav 06-07-2006 12:00 PM

Thank you for the info Bob. I started in on it last night and so far it really isn't that bad. I changed out a timing belt on our now sold 93 Mitsu. Montero (twice) and I think that change out really helped prepare me for this. If I get no takers, I plan on assembling everything back to the point where I can still easily tension the belt. Again, if there is anybody out there willing to lend me the tool I would be forever in your debt.


1987 S4 Auto

Bill Ball 06-07-2006 12:26 PM

If you cannot get the tool, Jager Engineering's audio technique is a "sound" alternative that costs nothing. See "The Virtual Timing Belt Gauge" here:

bikeboy600 06-07-2006 02:43 PM

I am in the middle of a Timing Belt change as well. Since I don't have a tool, I plan on trying the "sound" alternative. Anyone around Atlanta GA have a spare one to loan out? Thanks,

killav 06-07-2006 03:02 PM

Thanks for that link Bill. I guess you can tune a 928 but you can't tune a fish. Or was it a piano?

Anyway, if all else fails, I will turn up the volume on my portable cd player and strum along until we are both in tune. Thanks again.

1987 S4 Auto

Kevin in Atlanta 06-07-2006 04:45 PM

I live in Roswell and own the Kempf tool. I lent it to a fellow Rennlister. PM if you need it.

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