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928 GT R 12-10-2018 09:30 AM

Official Pasha Thread - Post a photo or discuss Pasha only....
Pasha or Op Art has seen a resurgence in popularity and for some is the "Holy Grail" of Porsche interiors. This thread celebrates Pasha in all its glory and infamy.

Let's start things off with an example that really got Pasha some attention: The Geneva Show Car!

drooman 12-10-2018 01:16 PM

928 GT R 12-10-2018 06:15 PM

Drooman ^^^ +1 for putting Numero Uno right at the top.

Here is US # 0244

drooman 12-10-2018 08:10 PM

drooman 12-10-2018 08:25 PM

Movement in Squares (1961)

Artwork description & Analysis: Bridget Riley cites Movement in Squares as the first major step, after Kiss, towards her breakthrough into abstraction. During a difficult time in her art making, and in an attempt to make a new start, she began with the simple square. She said "Everyone knows what a square looks like and how to make one in geometric terms. It is a monumental, highly conceptualized form: stable and symmetrical, equal angles, equal size. I drew the first few squares. No discoveries there. Was there anything to be found in a square? But as I drew, things began to change." She created the design for Movement in Squares in one sitting without stopping, and then painted each alternate square black to provide contrast. When she stepped back to look, she was "surprised and elated" by what she saw.

Riley establishes the square as the basic unit and then modulates it across the canvas, maintaining its height but changing its width. The square's width diminishes toward the center of the canvas until it becomes a sliver, and then increases again toward the right edge. It's as if two planes are coming together and bending into each other, not unlike the pages of a bound book lying open. The progression of shapes intensifies, climaxes, and then de-escalates, provoking the viewer to confront their perceptual senses as well as their ideas of "stabilities and instabilities, certainties and uncertainties." Riley's exploration of how we see came to be rooted in her own experience and experimentation, her own intuition, and not on theories of optics.

Acrylic on canvas - Arts Council Collection, London


Jadz928 12-10-2018 08:51 PM

Excerpt from my website:
Love it or hate it, the Pasha fabric left a striking avant-garde mark on early 928's. Ca. 1977 description by Porsche was 'Schachbrettvelours' or chessboard velour. There were 3 original types, Beige/Black, Brown/Black, Blue/Black. Later came White/Black and Beige/Brown 12-10-2018 08:54 PM
This is the upholstery kit from Rob Budd that I installed a couple of years ago. It makes me smile whenever I look at it,

Jadz928 12-10-2018 08:56 PM

Another excerpt from my website:
Tony Lapine was a stylish man who always dressed very well for work. Look at any of the photos of him from those days and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Op art was a subset movement of German Bauhaus. By the mid-70's it had moved into pop culture, including fashion.
Just another day at Weissach, Lapine came in dressed sharp as always, and wearing a scarf with an op art checkerboard pattern. The interior styling team picked up on this. I suspect it was an interesting topic of discussion that day. Tony's scarf inspired his team and worked the pattern into the 928, 924, and 930.
Porsche called it 'Schachbrettvelours' or chess board velour. I'm not sure on how the pattern became associated with Pasha, but it may have something to do with the Pasha butterfly (Charaxes Jasius).

A Porsche 928 scarf was made by Weill of Paris to commemorate Tony's inspiration.

Jadz928 12-10-2018 09:03 PM

I've always loved Bod Dylan for his depth. And his avante-garde style shines through in this '66 photo excerpt.
Here we see him at his best, wearing black & white polkadots, and displaying an Op Art patterned fabric which later became known as Pasha (or Pascha).
This fabric was seen on the seats of the Porsche 928 over a decade later!
Dylan was certainly a man before his time, quite similar to the 928 in that regard.

77tony 12-10-2018 09:05 PM
79 blk/brn

Kongmiami 12-10-2018 09:07 PM

Kongmiami 12-10-2018 09:08 PM

Kongmiami 12-10-2018 09:09 PM

Kongmiami 12-10-2018 09:10 PM

Kongmiami 12-10-2018 09:11 PM

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