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Mongo 01-02-2018 02:56 PM

The Next Generation and Passing on the 928
My wife and I were discussing the family heirlooms and expecting our second child this July. I would love to pass my car down once its resto is finished to either my daughter and grab another 928 eventually for the new baby (just so they don't have to fight for the red one :p ) I intend to leave the 928 world when this time comes offering only mechanical knowledge and this forum to them while picking up a Beck 550 to throw around on the weekends.

Some of us are parents out there with kids that love cars. What are your plans with your 928 and the next generation?

bureau13 01-02-2018 02:59 PM

Neither of my kids appears to be car enthusiasts, although the youngest is only 12. Still...not worthy!

Mongo 01-02-2018 03:02 PM

I caught my daughter with a microfiber rag cleaning the fender after leaving the door open to the garage. While she created swirls the message was clear what she likes ;)

gazfish 01-02-2018 03:38 PM

My son has zero interest, stares into his phone whenever he's in the car so think I'll be buried in it.

GlenL 01-02-2018 03:49 PM

I've got four kids and they very kindly have divided the fleet amongst themselves. Two have been to the track to drive and want to go more.

I am having trouble getting them out to the garage to clean parts. None of them have the patience or interest to really do the work, though.

GT6ixer 01-02-2018 03:56 PM

My son is 2 and a half and loves cars right now. My wife posted this last summer on the Instagram and my uncle, one of 'dem 911 snobs, couldn't resist himself with the comment.

I plan on keeping my '84 for life and passing on to whoever seems to have the most passion for it when the time comes. If no one seems to care much about it by then I'll give it to one of my uncle's grand-kids. :)

The Forgotten On 01-02-2018 07:31 PM

I'm too young to have kids! But i'll wait and see what life has in store for me. I plan on keeping my 81 for life.

Billu 01-02-2018 08:02 PM

“When you pry it from my cold, dead hands.....”

polecat702 01-02-2018 09:02 PM

My kids are all grown. They're free to buy what they like, and can afford. I've found that when something is given, most don't appreciate it, as much as when ya have to work for it. I didn't even let Bo, pick out one of my Harleys, when he got patched in as a Legacy Angel. He's had to buy his own scooters.

If it wasn't for the ole lady, they'd a been out the door, as soon as they were weaned. Those 3 hot's and a cot, got old and expensive quick!

hlee96 01-02-2018 11:49 PM

Only my oldest (8 yrs old) so far shows any interests in cars but he wanted my e90 335xi, then my wife’s a7. He has shown no interests in any of the real nice cars!

MrAngry 01-03-2018 12:44 AM

No kids, but a 13 old nephew who's insane over my '68 Charger. For him it's always been Uncle Mike's race car. He hasn't ridden in the 928 yet but has apparently managed to tell all his friends that his cool uncle has a Porsche, so there's that I guess.

terry gt 01-03-2018 03:42 AM

planning on immortality , so I will keep it

oldfrat 01-03-2018 05:55 AM

My prior wills have specified which son gets which vehicle. I finally wised up and realized this limits the will's validity lifespan. My 928 is just part of my general net worth in my current will. If one or more sons want it, they can work this out with my executor. I have a pretty good idea of how this will work out. One son will want no vehicles as he lives in Australia. Another son could use an SUV. My car fanatic other son will probably want the 928. though it will likely require that he sell a classic and collectible 1967 Jeep.. I will let them sort it out.

JP928S4 01-03-2018 09:00 AM

My 928 was given to me by my father(the original owner) when he could no longer drive the car. I’ve already told my older son that I plan to pass the car to him when the time comes.. to continue the tradition. My dilemma is what to do, in the interest of fairness of course, for the younger son? My wife suggested getting another 928 (true story)... :p

RKD in OKC 01-03-2018 11:12 AM

Didn't care a bit about cars when I was younger.

This was my first car...

Got it for $1.

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