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pcutt 03-01-2006 11:50 PM

Handling Capabilities of 944 vs. Modern Cars?
When the 944 was new, its handling capabilities were considered excellent, even compared to most other sports cars. I'm not talking about horsepower, but about handling. How does the handling compare to the modern, 2006 model year cars such as:

Bona-fide sports cars like the Z4, Vette, etc?
Sporty cars such as the Eclipse, Integra, etc?
Sporty sedans like the BMW 3- and 5-series, etc?
Generic sedans like Camry, Lacrosse, etc?
Econoboxes like Kia, etc?

In essence, how much has great handling seeped downard to the realm of ordinary cars?

WolfeMacleod 03-02-2006 12:03 AM

My wife's Saturn handles like CRAP.

Porsche-O-Phile 03-02-2006 12:05 AM

I've driven a Z4 and personally think my 944 handles better.

I've driven my brother's '01 Acura and KNOW my 944 handles better.

The DareDevil 03-02-2006 12:14 AM

I wouldn't take my van to the track if that's what you're asking.

yellowline 03-02-2006 12:27 AM

IMO, it's difficult to make a front-drive car handle well. There might be an Acura that people rave about, but that's about it. I've driven a Camry and it feels like you're sitting on a kitchen chair compared to the 944. It handles like a kitchen chair too. :)

There's just too much that you're asking the fronts to do- steer, transfer power, and hold the road in a demanding situation. I think the balance of a rear-drive car is needed, but I'm more than a little biased. I'd take it over a pretend sports car like the modern Eclipse anyday.

I'd put any 6-cyl BMW 3 on at least a par with the 944, given equal drivers. I drove my cousin's '98 E36 and liked it alot. Maybe a WRX would be close. Watching them autocross, they just don't have the balance and scalpel-like precision of a 944. The drivers were younger and acted like they had something to prove, so maybe that was it.

Vettes have 50/50 and a transaxle, as well as wider tires. I think a C5 or C6 would be better than a stock NA at handling. An S2000 might be interesting as well. I'd like to see a Solstice put through the paces. It's about as heavy as a later 944 NA, with 170 hp.

One car that people will near-universally agree as having excellent handling is the E36 M3. I'm sure that'll wipe the floor with a stock or near-stock 944.

Eyal 951 03-02-2006 12:34 AM

I have tracked a freinds integra GSR multiple times. Its modded, especially in suspension, but I KNOW it would take my 951, and I know it wouldn't have an issue with most any 944NA's.
Small, light cars with double wish and a decent chassis usually do fairly well.

sillbeer 03-02-2006 12:47 AM

I agree. I used to have a 94 GSR. It handles at least as nimbly as the 944 is. it had slight understeer problems, but it was stock suspension too. From what I read, the integra Type R is no joke. They are faster and handle better than the GSR. i have a 98 prelude daily driver and its a boat. however, with 195 hp at the crank, its uh *cough* a little faster than 944 na =)

Eyal 951 03-02-2006 01:00 AM

the GSR I track oversteers more then my 951.

unsigned 03-02-2006 01:01 AM

After Eibach/Koni, new sways and some custom parts, my Maxima SE out handles the 944 six ways from sunday. Faster too. But its like riding a surfboard down the street...

ClassJ 03-02-2006 01:04 AM

I still think the 944 with modern rolling stock is right there with all but the top handling cars like the M3's and vettes.

And my thoughts that I tell people all the time with old cars Vs. new cars is the following. 20 years have passed since this car was made, just the simple fact that the 944 is still right up there handling wise with the new stuff is impressive to me. Besides, built with with twenty years newer technology and a 55k+ price tag, a new porsche or M3 better handle better or there are some issues to resolve in germany.

I recall a few years ago reading on here that lightly modified 951's were cleaning up E36 M3s at one of the tracks.

I have driven the E36 and E46 M3's, I still think the 944 has much nicer steering feel. At least the 944 makes sports car sounds when driven normally, the M3's always feel like normal cars unless you start pounding on them hard.

beeg 03-02-2006 01:08 AM

The only thing that comes close, that I have driven in the last 2 years was, :icon107: the new Proton Gen2. It went up the mountain in the wet just as well as my 84 does. However I hesitate to guess what it would be like without traction control and ABS!

Dont even ask about how my wifes Kia handles - it doesn't! :banghead:

FRporscheman 03-02-2006 01:37 AM

Well my dad's car handles almost as well as my 944. My mom's car actually handles better than my 944. :rolleyes:

My brother's VW has had the full service of suspension parts thrown at it, without any regard for proper tuning and balance (i.e. thickest sways possible and stiffest springs/shocks possible). The thing will ruin 2 discs in your spine for every 10 miles, but it seems to hold the road nicely. It is, after all, a small german frame, albeit a 21-year-old FF platform.

The newest car I've ever driven (besides my dad's ML320) is my 968, which of course handles better than a 944. Sorry, I'm just an old-car guy.

Yabo 03-02-2006 01:53 AM

I thought the z4 handled better than the 944.. but perhaps theres a difference, since this one wouldve been the fully optioned whatever there was. For what its worth, I havent driven much else that handles better. My volvo kept up with an integra with race tires (i was on all seasons) at an autocross too. ;)

packrat 03-02-2006 02:10 AM

I can say my Audi TT Quattro corners a little better. The TT is almost like driving a go kart around corners. But for average high speed driving and normal cornering, an unmodified 944 still challenges most new sports cars IMO.

michaelathome 03-02-2006 02:22 AM

This is a difficult thread at best to try to judge modern cars with older cars. Sitting at an intersection today I was looking around and there were a few corollas as well as other generic models and they are still driving on rear drum brakes?

I would say that my '01 GTI with light mods, sways and springs, would hold it's own to an extent. It is a completely different feeling though. Too much torque at the front and drift at the rear. Some of that can be sorted out but that's the way it came, stock.

The '87 944 that I had handled IMO better than the GTI as far ar roll, torque and drift and it is now 19 years old. I have not, and had not tracked either but I would have to say that the 944 would be a LOT more driver friendly without a doubt.

Now given inflation $'s the 944 would cost upwards of 30K in today's dolars. Give me an .:R32 against a 944 NA anyday and I think we might have a close race through the turnies;)


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