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John D. 06-29-2005 10:15 PM

If you are not a Rennlist Sponsor and Promote....
Rules for buying and selling on Rennlist are posted here:

Lately, Rennlist has had a number of businesses and "marketers" soliciting their wares in threads and posts. Some are veiled, whilst others are more brazen. Since Rennlist is the single largest Internet site dedicated to Porsche automobiles and enthusiasts, it is bound to happen. But.......

To be clear, Rennlist would not exist except for paying Sponsors and Members - and they, along with us - feel it is unfair that they subsidize non-Sponsor sales and marketing efforts, often times with competing products with Rennlist Sponsors. In short, if you are not a Sponsor, the Rennlist Charter prohibits commercial posts to the Forums.

What is commercial solicitation? For example...

If you post We/our/my company has... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my product is... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my customers'... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my will be announcing... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my test results for our... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my can make or supply that... - you are selling something....

If you/your company/product would like to have your unaffiliated/unbiased customers talk about your product - they are more than welcome to do so. However, as a commercial vendor with a sales intent - you are not.

Further, you are more then welcome to participate simply as an individual enthusiast - BUT NOT as a vendor/sales agent with a sales agenda. As well - a "Rennlist Member" does not broker you being a "Rennlist Sponsor" and acting as such, no more than being a Member of a car club entitles you to receive a free commercial full-page color advertisement in their monthly publication.

Finally - if you would like to become a Sponsor - please visit:

Until you become a paid Sponsor, please understand your "advertisements" will be either edited or deleted, as it's neither "fair" to those who support this site - nor "us", the Rennlist community.

My thanks for your understanding,

John D.

Marc Shaw 04-06-2006 10:44 PM

CarFax Requests & For Sale Messages
Just a couple of points that sometimes need to be reinforced:

CarFax Requests:

All Rennlist Users and Members are reminded that asking for someone to run a CarFax request for you is not permitted.

It violates CarFax rules and is against Rennlist policy.

Threads asking for someone to run a CarFax request for you will be deleted.

For Sale Messages:

In addition, everyone is also reminded that only paying Rennlist Members may post For Sale messages.

For Sale messages posted by anyone who is not a Rennlist Member in good standing will be be deleted.

If you have paid for a Membership but require an update to your status, please pm a Moderator or one of the Administrators so the database can be updated.



John D. 01-01-2007 07:10 PM

Street Racing Stories....
Here is my private prayer for 2007...

Dear God,

Please delete all the posts/threads like "I beat a (insert your favorite car here) on the Public Roads, endangering my life - and all around me as I drove like an idiot, doing 100+ MPH on a public road...

All the "I beat some idiot in a (insert your favorite car here) in a road race..." has no place here.

If you want to "drive fast" - do it on the track - and get instruction for doing it "on the track". In short - it will save your car - and probably your life. Not to mention the lives of those who may be killed by you.

If you do take it to the track - you'll be a better driver for it.

How would I know?

I take it to the track - and instruct instructors, before they get in a car with you...

So - PLEASE NO MORE STREET RACING THREADS. Take those to the Honda Forum.

As an FYI - This is *not* a Honda Forum.

Have a wonderful 2007...

John D.

John D. 03-02-2007 02:57 PM

Zero Tolerance In the Forums
There is now a zero-tolerance policy in effect for harassment and off-topic bickering in the Forums. It’s fine to “disagree”. It’s fine to debate. It is fine to argue in a mature manner.

It is NOT fine to cast third-party suspicions, as a 3rd party or competing supplier - calling a vendor “shady”, and/or slandering a supplier or person in any public forum. Rennlist is certainly no exception.

So – here is some advice… If you are thinking about posting a reply which you wonder “will John D. ban me for this?” – presume the answer is YES – and don’t post it.

If someone is harassing you in technical threads report them and never respond to them. If you participate even to defend yourself you are part of the problem and are just as guilty.

This is your only warning. If you participate in off-topic bickering, slander or harassment in the technical forums you will be banned from

Let’s keep the Forums technical.

John D.

Randy V 04-07-2007 01:42 PM

Forum Guidelines: Please Read *BEFORE* Posting
This thread contains important guidelines. Now that you've read them please follow them.


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