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afinepoint 09-02-2014 11:40 AM

Leaking fuel line - my next project
I dropped these pictures off in a reply to a 2 year old thread but some don't read old threads.

I could smell gasoline on the highway. With the car idling I felt underneath and got my hand wet. As I mentioned in my reply I feel fortunate. I know the repair will be difficult however one errant highway spark and things could have been so much worse.

Wanted to post to let others know if you smell gas park it until you discover why.

I'm thinking of replacing both hoses. The leaker connects to the pump. Thoughts?

Amber Gramps 09-02-2014 11:56 AM

Never a good idea to wait until you can smell fuel to replace the fuel lines. These cars are getting old and its time to replace all kinds of things we never think about.

Glad you caught it before anything bad happened. :cheers:

Replacing the fuel lines was one of the very first big projects I did.

afinepoint 09-11-2014 10:24 AM

And it begins

theiceman 09-11-2014 12:22 PM

what car is that from ?
i thought there was a hard line that ran through the body and you atached on the front and on the back .

afinepoint 09-11-2014 01:24 PM

1984. Nope all of the line I can see is flexible.

theiceman 09-11-2014 01:39 PM

so can you enlighten us a little ? how doe it run .. does it move to inside the car at soem oint and run through the tunnel ? yours look really coroded and you are very lucky . I am thinking of doing the sam rthing so wonering about the process.

afinepoint 09-11-2014 04:50 PM

The car is off the jacks. When I begin work I'll get a picture of how the lines disappear into a valley in the belly. But they emerge just inches to the left of my finger.

Mark Salvetti 09-11-2014 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by theiceman (Post 11641215)
what car is that from ?
i thought there was a hard line that ran through the body and you atached on the front and on the back .

I'm pretty sure that was only true of the early cars, say 1973 and earlier.

While you're in there, I think there is also at least one vacuum hose that runs through the tunnel. The time to replace that is now, since I believe you would bundle all the lines together and push/pull them through the tunnel at once.

I also think you need to drain the fuel tank, at least that's true if you are replacing the fuel return line.

This would be much easier with the engine out.


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