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seanoj 01-20-2011 11:43 AM

Stolen 1984 911 Targa (white) Los Angeles -Recovered
If anyone sees a white 1984 Targa floating around Los Angeles this morning with a busted passenger window, please shoot the driver.

Sometime, in the dark of night, some scumbag took off with my beauty. I would be a bit less pissed if I had not just last week spent $600 getting it serviced. Also, I had a very nice set of golf clubs in the trunk...

California Plate: WOO CUBS

I have LOJACK and LAPD on the job. Not hopeful...

Now to think about replacement...

porsche0nut 01-20-2011 12:04 PM

That's horrible... I'd be 5 different kinds of pissed! Best of luck getting your car back!

I hope that replacement (if it comes to that) will be another 3.2?

ricster 01-20-2011 12:06 PM

LOJACK should help

Amber Gramps 01-20-2011 12:15 PM

Ouch, will take the machete with me today.

rusnak 01-20-2011 12:22 PM

I'll take la pistola.

I hope you get her back.

2specs 01-20-2011 12:47 PM

Sorry to hear that...Hopefully it's just a joy ride and you get it back in decent shape.

theiceman 01-20-2011 01:43 PM

.. gotta be a joyrider you would think... good luck ..

dshepp806 01-20-2011 06:08 PM

Should you get her back from such a joyride, I'd make damned sure that car was gone through by one helluva Porsche mechanic. I've often wondered how insurance companies handle such a matter? Damage (or stressing) could have easily been done (clutch, tranny, RPMs (revs). I'd frikin' freak out if I knew some idiot ran her well, would HAVE to know that damage wasn't done (and I'm not talking the visual kind).

I wish you the best,........hopefully all works out ok. I feel just a pissed as you..GEEEEEEEZE!

500 01-20-2011 06:20 PM

^ I've often wondered about that too - i.e. how insurance would deal with it.

If somebody really messes the car up, it could be hard to decide if you even want it back at some point....

Either way, I hope you end up with a satisfying solution whichever way it pans out.

ricster 01-20-2011 07:58 PM

I'd rather collect on the insurance. Hope you have a stated value policy

seanoj 01-20-2011 10:00 PM

Thanks for the thoughts & well wishes. So far, no news. I hear Lojack is 90% within 24 hours and almost hopeless after. I think I am looking at hopeless...

In the middle of the night I woke up hearing what sounded like a high revving 911. You know how, after you get the Porsche sickness it stays in your blood forever and you can pick the sound out of traffic, or even while stone cold asleep. I thought, "that sounds a lot like my car being driven by someone who doesn't know how to use a clutch." Then I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I did not think about having the engine, etc. checked after a recovery. Makes perfect sense. I probably will not get the chance to use the advice, but it is appreciated.

Already trying to move on and think about my next car. The stolen car was my daily driver. Thinking about a 2002 or 2003 C4. What do you think?


rusnak 01-20-2011 10:22 PM

Inside, what you got a new car picked out, job?

irobertson 01-20-2011 11:16 PM

Wow, my sympathy goes out to you. Bad enough if it's just a regular car, but to be your pride and joy. Sad

seanoj 01-21-2011 10:10 AM

Stolen 1984 911 Targa (white) Los Angele - Recovered!!!
LAPD & Lojack are my new heroes.

Here is what I was told by the cops:
A police helicopter detected the Lojack signal and directed a car to find it. The thief had put a cover on the car so LAPD figured the perp would be back to reclaim it later, so they staked out the scene. Lojack went to the scene to verify remotely that it was my car. They did not want to "burn" themselves by removing the cover. After a full shift of no activity, they called me to pick her up (and save me a lot of $$$ in towing & impound fees).

There are a bunch of body and mechanic shops that, when parts are too scarce or costly, will put an "order" with a thief for the specific car. That is what the police suspect happened here.

The window was broken and the ignition punched. The cops said, based on the look of the ignition, the guy spent a lot of time on the ignition before he could get it to start.

Anyway, except for the damage, and the loss of my golf clubs and a fancy iPod, it appears that things could have been a lot worse.

I will have it checked out for engine damage. Any suggestions for how/what to test? Leak-down? Full PPI?

While I fantasized a bit about a newer car, the 1984 is just so much fun and has served me well as my daily driver for more than a dozen years. I am happy to have my car back.

Put me in the camp of Lojack fans. I can recommend it as easily worth the ~$700.


porsche0nut 01-21-2011 12:26 PM

Excellent news!!!

Now drive it like YOU stole it ;)

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