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Steen 08-19-2009 07:23 AM

Rebuilt or low mileage?
Hi folks. I'm finally getting serious about purchasing a 911. Had one for a short time a couple years ago but it wasn't the right one for the long term (super high mileage and a motor meister rebuild ugh....) and sold it when someone made me a nice unsolicited offer. Made the mistake of replacing with a 350Z, which is a very nice car, but not something that I LOVE to drive. Selling that now.

I'm going to be looking for a semi daily driver (I'll park it in bad weather), but as nice and reliable as possible.

So, my question as I start searching is, assuming I put any car through a thorough PPI, which I will, would you recommend finding one that has had an engine rebuild but has higher miles (I see some with 120 -150k with rebuilds) or one that has lower miles (50 - 70k). Prices seem to be relatively similar. I'd guess the trade-offs are the higher mileage cars probably have more tired interiors and possibly other issues (clutch, tranny, suspension) to worry about, and the lower mileage cars might have the "garage queen" issues from sitting around too long.

I've spent a lot of time searching for info, but haven't really been able to get a good feel for what approach would be better.

As a last question, and this is probalby loaded since I'm posting on this forum, but why can you buy a newer 964 or 993 for virtually the same price as the 911's that are much older? Reliability, maintenance costs etc...?

Thanks for any insight you all can provide. This is a great site!


theiceman 08-19-2009 09:37 AM

If you can get a nice 993 for the price of a 911 I would grab it in a second. my opinion but the best of the breed if you can get into one. Lots of power, updated climate control and electronics. Doubt you could do that though.

personally i would go for the low miler with a thorough PPI for the reasons you mentioned.

Steen 08-20-2009 06:13 AM

Thanks. Sold the Z today. Looking at 2 this weekend. Both 86, one targa and one cab. Both mid 70's on mileage and "look" well sorted. Have seen the Targa... very nice and a very motivated seller. Started his price at $17k and now found his dream car. I could pick it up for $13k.

The car market is really soft. Seems prices are down 20%+ from just a few years ago. Good time to be buying for sure.

Mark J 08-20-2009 08:39 AM

i just bought mine with 150k on it, which i was wary of at first. But the car has had an engine rebuild and gearbox rebuild in last few years at respected Porsche specialists, so should run like new mechanically. (i hope!!)

jakeflyer 08-20-2009 12:09 PM

As far as miles and rebuild go, your first Porsche with the MM engine should answer that question. If someone like Steve or Mayo, or Redline built the engine with upgrades and also did the tranny, then it might be more attractive, esp if the rest of the car is sorted out. The usual rebuild does not have new pistons and cyl. by Maule, giving you an inferior engine to a higher mileage factory engine (sometimes)
Some think the order of what is most desired is 1. Coupe w/o sun roof. 2. Coupe with s/r. 3. Cab, 4. Targa.

As you know you should memorize Zimmerman’s book, run a Carfax and get a pre-buy inspection. If the car has been in an area with salt on the roads (Carfax may tell you), advise the pre-buy guy and look carefully.

Under 60,000 or so is definitely worth a lot more money and in this market, I would focus on low miles. There are bargains out there and prices of a year ago should be factored down in ratio to the stock market and housing.

I think this is a good time to get a bargain. It is my understanding that Europe is still buying here for their market. A constricting supply does improve appearance of improved demand, and a look at Ebay this week was a surprise at what some of the 911s are selling for compared to April/May.

Mysterytrain 08-20-2009 03:52 PM

You pay a premium for an older low mileage car. Making it into a daily driver will reduce its value much faster then a well sorted higher mileage car. A rebuilt car or engine is a great option but the word 'rebuilt' means nothing if the work has not been documented with what was done and who did the work!! If you need AC, I would imagine in Georgia you would, then you need to look at a more modern car such as a 964 or 993. Body sytle is a no brainer if you ask me..for track a coupe makes the most sense. For street fun I enjoy top down motoring.
I think you set your budget and see what is available in that price range with the options that you really need to enjoy the car.

rusnak 08-20-2009 05:14 PM

I agree with all of the above.

I'm surprised at the 993 recommendations, but now you guys have ME thinking about one.

Steen 08-20-2009 05:40 PM

Great info and much appreciated. I found one in Salt Lake. 87 Wh Targa, 137k but engine rebuilt by Concourse Auto Werks (seems highly recommended on this board) with Mahle etc... Pics look great and the price is pretty decent. Around $18k but needs tires so call it $19k and a trip from SLC.

I would guess that going directly back to Concourse for a PPI would be OK, or would you recommend a totally independent view from somewhere else since this guy is a paying customer? Anyone with direct experience with an engine build by them?

tlarocque 08-21-2009 05:07 PM

I can't seem to find it right now but there was a very nice looking red/black '87 or '88 Carrera (coupe) in Prescott, AZ. Guy was asking $18,000 and looked like a really nice, clean car. Had 9" Fuchs in rear. I was toying with the idea but I really don't need another one. I'll see if I can find it again.

jwilson95 08-21-2009 05:19 PM

Good recommendations above.

In the southern/GA heat, a 993 is a good idea with its "modern" AC vs. the older 964/911 systems as discussed.

My OEM converted to 134a system in my '89 would not suffice as a daily driver, but my buddy's 993 coupe would.

Measure your needs/desires with what is available.

All of these cars recommended should hold their value, if not increase if/when the market recovers.

Steen 08-21-2009 07:39 PM

All of the advice is excellent. The AC issue is important, but not a deal breaker. I have another car that I can use. I really like the older cars, but haven't driven a 993 yet. Just afraid it's going to feel too refined which is what I didn't really like about the Z. I'll drive a 993 this weekend and see if that will satisfy my P craving.

Does anyone have an opinion on Concourse out of SLC? That's still a viable option. If you, tlaroque, can find a link to that other car, I'd like to take a look.

Thanks all...

Ed Hughes 08-21-2009 09:56 PM

I don't agree with the ranking placing the Targa last. No doubt coupes are more popular, but search around and you'll see how many people love their Targas. I know, I'm partial, but it really is the best of both worlds.

Steen 08-21-2009 10:08 PM

I'm hoping the list is correct... means I get my Targa cheap :cheers:

Ed Hughes 08-21-2009 10:19 PM

There really is no such thing as a "cheap" Porsche.

Steen 08-21-2009 10:40 PM

All things relative of course... but I know what I'm getting in to, and can't wait.

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