Hollywood Porsche Is Ready for Its Close Up

Hollywood Porsche Is Ready for Its Close Up

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Porsche - RDB LA

Famous Los Angeles auto body shop paints YouTube star’s car magenta.

 Porsche - RDB LA

Check out this awesome magenta Porsche Carrera GT. It belongs to Salomondrin, the creator of a popular YouTube channel where he and his friends drive around Southern California in slick sports cars. Envious? Yeah, we are, too.

Salomondrin’s favorite ride, though, is his beloved Porsche, which he’s nicknamed “The CGT.” The avid Porsche enthusiast took it to famed Hollywood auto body shop RDB LA to have it tricked out with this eye-catching iridescent paint job. And RBD LA posted a pic of the repainted Porsche on the shop’s Instagram account.
Like us, RBD’s followers give it a big thumbs up: “You won’t miss that coming down the street, LOL,” says Insta user Gaztotalmods. “Looks awesome!”
Youtuber Rejoice208 sums it up best: “Holy crap, that CGT is gorgeous in that color.”
We concur, for sure. But, Abd7rkhan really nails what we’re thinking about this unique ride: “Daaaamn this baby looks bad as f#@!”

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