Rennlist Posting Guidelines A Forum which Set Out Guidelines for Posts by Users, Members and Site Sponsors.

Guidelines For Rennlist Posts

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Old 12-19-2008, 06:05 PM
Bob Rouleau

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Default Guidelines For Rennlist Posts

Folks, as many of you have observed, posts on various forums have been the subject of considerable controversy and numerous complaints. In part this may be due to the fact that many of us don't know the rules. Few if any have looked at the already published guidelines and the Terms Of Service we all accepted when we registered.

Herein you will find a fairly concise summary of the "rules of the road". This Forum will be open for dialog for the moment at least, in the hope that communications between us will foster a better understanding and a stronger community.

Rennlist Posting Guidelines:

Content: All material posted or linked to, must be G rated. In other words, use only language and post material suitable for the home or office. Do not post foul language, racial epithets or sexually explicit content in any form. At no time will insults or attacks on an individual be tolerated. Racial slurs, epithets or denigrating references to race, color, creed or sexual preference will not be tolerated. This general content rule applies to posts, signatures, avatars and links within posts.

The exception to this rule is in the off-topic section (only available to paying members) whereby the content may be a PG-13 rating (some colorful language may be reasonably utilized), however such content may not be used in an insulting or attacking manner.

Special Rule About Using Rennlist for Buying or Selling Firearms: Advertising, buying or selling firearms on Rennlist is prohibited. It violates IB policy and in addition contraves contractual terms relating to their acquistion of certain other websites.

Advertising by Members: Paying Members (as opposed to “Users”) may advertise or link to an ad to buy or sell personal property. In the case of an item or items offered for sale, the price must be included in the post. Ads must be placed in our Marketplace and must adhere to the Marketplace Rules. Bumping is allowed once per week. Note, auctions are not allowed on Rennlist.

Promotional Ads: Neither Members nor users may post ads promoting a business, theirs, or one owned/operated by others either in the body of a post or in the signature or avatar fields, nor may they post links or solicitations to visit competitive web sites. Note that posts by Members advertising items "for a friend" will be treated as posts by a User.

Posting For-Sale Links in tech forums: A single post, providing a link to the official For Sale ad in the Classifieds Marketplace, is usually allowed. However, full-fledged For Sale ads are not allowed in tech forums. Posting links in multiple threads or forums to the same FS item is not allowed. If this becomes onerous to police (too many link postings), this policy may change. Note that ads camouflaged as ”feelers” or “how much do you think my “xxx” is worth” will be deemed to be advertising.

Ads linking to external sites by Users: Users are not permitted to make “for sale” or “wanted to buy” posts nor link to ads hosted elsewhere. This is a privilege reserved for paying Members. If a User would like to advertise personal property on Rennlist, please, consider becoming a member.

Advertising by Site Sponsors: In order to promote a commercial entity, you must have a contract with Internet Brands. Only site sponsors may promote their commerce on Rennlist. Site Sponsors will be held to posting according to rules established by Rennlist covering the type, size and frequency of ads. In general a maximum of 4 threads per month may be posted in the marketplace. An automatic limiter is in place that allows 4 or 6 open sponsor threads per month in the Marketplace section. The Vendor Announcements section also has the same limit in place. Once a sponsor posts over the limit in these sections their oldest thread will be locked/closed by the automatic system.

Using the technical sections to post advertisements is not permitted. Threads may be created if they are topical and provide value to the Community but do not include sales.

Note that responding to questions by members of a forum is not considered advertising. Threads offering multiple items may be edited to delete items no longer available. Adding items will be considered a new post and count against the 4 per month limit as will "bumping" a thread, i.e., adding a post to increase the visibility of a thread which has fallen off the screen due to inactivity. Sponsors may also have a maximum of two threads in the technical areas of Rennlist concurrent to their Marketplace listings.

Basic/Starter Sponsors are limited to two (2) threads per month in the Marketplace section.

Unlike Member ads, site sponsors are not obliged to post prices in their ads although they are encouraged to do so.

Sponsors are cautioned not to disparage other vendors, or the products/services they may offer.

Promoting Non-Commercial Events: From time to time, posts promoting a not for profit event of interest to the Rennlist community will be permitted. Said posts should appear in a maximum of 6 forums and not repeated more than once a month. Posts of this nature will be closely scrutinized. Any attempt to disguise a commercial venture as a not for profit event will be dealt with promptly. When in doubt consult with a Rennlist Moderator to be pre-cleared.

Promoting a Vendor: Praise and a recommendation of a vendor by users is encouraged as a service to the community. On the other hand, excessive promotion of vendor(s), i.e., cheer leading, will be viewed as advertising. In the same vein, systematic and sustained vendor bashing, i.e., carrying out a vendetta against a particular vendor will result in sanctions.

Signatures and Avatars: Must be a reasonable size and contain only G rated material. Particular attention will be paid to suggestive photos. Moderators are empowered to edit or even delete material deemed objectionable.

Copyright Materials: You may not post any copyrighted material that you do not have rights to. Please link to external articles rather than post them in the forums. Posting or soliciting copyrighted material (Carfax reports for example) is prohibited.

Private Messages: Are just that, private. Posting a private message is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban of indeterminate duration.

Failure to Comply: With the rules may result in posts/threads being edited, or deleted as deemed necessary. Continued violations of the rules outlined above may result in certain restricted permissions, up to and including permanent banishment from Rennlist. The latest version of the Forum Software includes “infractions”. Individuals who disregard these guidelines will be issued an infraction. Infraction are like demerit points on your driving license. If you get too many you lose you license or, in the case of Rennlist, your ability to post.

Moderators: In the past forums were moderated by one or two people. As of now, Moderators are permitted to deal with any infractions they observe in any forum.

Last edited by Robb M.; 12-19-2019 at 11:01 AM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 05:28 PM
Bob Rouleau

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[QUOTE=MGW-Fla;6112747]I agree that rules & guidelines are a necessity. To understand completely, we are never allowed to post information about a car for sale that is not ours, as said, "for a friend"? If so, I will abide of course. But that seems to take away one of the valuable resources that RL has afforded to its members and users. I agree that the fee for membership is the cheapest advertising out there. Does that also include not being able to post about a car seen for sale on ebay, where you just saw the car & have no idea who the owner is? I've never done that I don't think, but its a regular happening in the 928 forum & seems to be simply RL'ers letting other RL'ers know of a car they came across.

Note some text deleted for brevity;

Mel to answer your question, mentioning a deal or interesting car for sale you have come across in one way or the other is perfectly legit as long as you are not involved on behalf of a non-member. It is as you say, a service to the community.

The old "posted for a friend" thing has been a non-no here forever. Perhaps not enforced as well as it should have been. If someone can offer a 996TT for sale (as an example), let him/her shell out a whole 17.95 and post it directly.

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Old 12-25-2008, 11:22 AM
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Thanks Mikelly and ehall.

ehall, what board to you moderate? (So we can return the favor )
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Old 01-14-2009, 11:19 AM
Bob Rouleau

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Frank - there is nothing wrong with a "where can I get the best deal on a ...".

Users are prevented from posting for sale or WTB for example "need wheels for my 993 TT". I have always thought this was a bit odd myself, since it would benefit members, but, I don't make the rules. besides, membership is cheap.

With respect to OT - it is a forum generally unrelated to Porsche Technical content and visitors know that the language therein is more uh, colorful. I find it interesting that many of the people who post in OT do not participate in the technical forums.

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Old 10-24-2010, 10:33 AM
Bob Rouleau

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Doyle - good question, here's the infraction grid. Before we instituted the infraction system, people got banned - too frequently in my opinion. Now, banning, except for spammers, is very rare.

Note that at the discretion of the mod, an infraction may carry no points, rather just a warning.

Infraction points expire as shown below. If someone accumulates 10 points (or more) there is an automatic vacation for three days. Note THREE DAYS as opposed to forever. Hope this answers your questions.



Title Points Expires Warning
Signature Rule Violation 1 10 Day(s)
Inappropriate Language 2 30 Day(s)
Inflammatory post - trolling - belligerence 2 30 Day(s)
Insulted Other Member(s) 2 30 Day(s)
Non-Sponsor Business 2 30 Day(s)
Inappropriate content unsavory language and or images 4 3 Month(s)
Post Nudity 5 3 Month(s)
Threaten Mayhem 5 3 Month(s)
Needs a cooling off period 10 30 Day(s)
Spam 10 Never
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:09 AM
Bob Rouleau

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Originally Posted by VintageRacer
A moderator also earns $100 hour?

Title= posting nudity
Points = 5?
Expires = 3 months?
Or you can get a warning?
Each infraction type offers the mod the option of issuing a warning. In the case of posting nudity, no warnings have ever been issued. Your interpretation is otherwise correct.

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Old 12-22-2010, 03:40 PM
Bob Rouleau

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Penalties for being a jerk may vary at the discretion of the mod.

Fortunately there are very few jerks on Rennlist so the issue doesn't arise too often.
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Old 12-09-2011, 08:00 AM
Bob Rouleau

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Folks, I have just done a major clean-up on this aisle. The purpose of this forum is to make it easy for people to read and understand the rules which govern our behavior here. It is not a place for sponsor bashing, chest thumping or off topic comments. We have plenty of other forums for that sort of thing.

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Old 01-28-2013, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Bob Rouleau
Folks, as many of you have observed, posts on various forums have been the subject of considerable controversy and numerous complaints. In part this may be due to the fact that many of us don't know the rules. Few if any have looked at the already published guidelines and the Terms Of Service we all accepted when we registered.

Herein you will find a fairly concise summary of the "rules of the road". This Forum will be open for dialog for the moment at least, in the hope that communications between us will foster a better understanding and a stronger community.

Rennlist Posting Guidelines:

Content: All material posted or linked to, must be G rated. In other words, use only language and post material suitable for the home or office. Do not post foul language, racial epithets or sexually explicit content in any form. At no time will insults or attacks on an individual be tolerated. Racial slurs, epithets or denigrating references to race, color, creed or sexual preference will not be tolerated. This general content rule applies to posts, signatures, avatars and links within posts.

The exception to this rule is in the off-topic section (only available to paying members) whereby the content may be a PG-13 rating (some colorful language may be reasonably utilized), however such content may not be used in an insulting or attacking manner.

Special Rule About Using Rennlist for Buying or Selling Firearms: Advertising, buying or selling firearms on Rennlist is prohibited. It violates IB policy and in addition contraves contractual terms relating to their acquistion of certain other websites.

Advertising by Members: Paying Members (as opposed to “Users”) may advertise or link to an ad to buy or sell personal property. In the case of an item or items offered for sale, the price must be included in the post. Ads may appear in as many as three forums maximum, and repeated not more than twice per month.

Neither Members nor users may post ads promoting a business, theirs, or one owned/operated by others either in the body of a post or in the signature or avatar fields, nor may they post links or solicitations to visit competitive web sites. Note that posts by Members advertising items "for a friend" will be treated as posts by a User.

Advertising by Site Sponsors: In order to promote a commercial entity, you must have a contract with Internet Brands. Only site sponsors may promote their commerce on Rennlist. Site Sponsors will be held to posting according to rules established from time to time by Internet Brands covering the type, size and frequency of ads. In general a maximum of 4 threads per month may be posted. Note that responding to questions by members of a forum is not considered advertising. Threads offering multiple items may be edited to delete items no longer available. Adding items will be considered a new post and count against the 4 per month limit as will "bumping" a thread, i.e., adding a post to increase the visibility of a thread which has fallen off the screen due to inactivity.

Small Business Sponsors are limited to one (1) thread per month.

Unlike Member ads, site sponsors are not obliged to post prices in their ads although they are encouraged to do so.

Vendors are cautioned not to disparage other vendors, or the products/services they may offer.

Ads by Users: Users are not permitted to make “for sale” or “wanted to buy” posts nor link to ads hosted elsewhere. This is a privilege reserved for paying Members. Note that ads camouflaged as ”feelers” or “how much do you think my “xxx” is worth” will be deemed to be advertising. If a User would like to advertise personal property on Rennlist, please, consider becoming a member.

Promoting Non-Commercial Events: From time to time, posts promoting a not for profit event of interest to the Rennlist community will be permitted. Said posts should appear in a maximum of 6 forums and not repeated more than once a month. Posts of this nature will be closely scrutinized. Any attempt to disguise a commercial venture as a not for profit event will be dealt with promptly. When in doubt consult with a Rennlist Moderator to be pre-cleared.

Promoting a Vendor: Praise and a recommendation of a vendor by users is encouraged as a service to the community. On the other hand, excessive promotion of vendor(s), i.e., cheer leading, will be viewed as advertising. In the same vein, systematic and sustained vendor bashing, i.e., carrying out a vendetta against a particular vendor will result in sanctions.

Signatures and Avatars: Must be a reasonable size and contain only G rated material. Particular attention will be paid to suggestive photos. Moderators are empowered to edit or even delete material deemed objectionable.

Copyright Materials: You may not post any copyrighted material that you do not have rights to. Please link to external articles rather than post them in the forums. Posting or soliciting copyrighted material (Carfax reports for example) is prohibited.

Private Messages: Are just that, private. Posting a private message is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban of indeterminate duration.

Failure to Comply: With the rules may result in posts/threads being edited, or deleted as deemed necessary. Continued violations of the rules outlined above may result in certain restricted permissions, up to and including permanent banishment from Rennlist. The latest version of the Forum Software includes “infractions”. Individuals who disregard these guidelines will be issued an infraction. Infraction are like demerit points on your driving license. If you get too many you lose you license or, in the case of Rennlist, your ability to post.

Moderators: In the past forums were moderated by one or two people. As of now, Moderators are permitted to deal with any infractions they observe in any forum.
Apologies as I accidentally broke some rules. But I would like to learn how to become a rennlist sponsor. Please advise.
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:00 PM
Bob Rouleau

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You need to be a Member to post an ad anywhere. Same goes with photo uploads. If your ad was posted, it survived only because a Moderator hasn't seen it yet. Please consider joining, click on Premium Membership at the top right of any page of the forum and immediately enjoy full Member privileges.

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Old 08-20-2013, 11:41 PM
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You are required to post five (5) thoughtful, well-intentioned posts containing no grammatical or spelling errors before the system allows you to send PMs.
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Old 09-21-2013, 12:52 AM
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Is it against Rennlist rules / copyright to post a link to a Rennlist post/thread on another forum?
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Old 09-21-2013, 01:50 AM
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Not to the best of my knowledge. Depends on the rules of the forum you are posting Rennlist content to I would think.
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Old 09-25-2013, 08:24 PM
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I have searched the site over and cannot figure out how to start a thread. I am new to RL and appreciate these guidelines
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Old 09-25-2013, 09:01 PM
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Go into a sub-forum of your choice. You will see a listing of the threads in that sub-forum. Go to the far left just above the top most thread. There is a button that says "post topic" ... click on it and voila. Hope that helped.
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