See why the Driver of This Porsche 911 Needed new Pants After This Scary Moment

See why the Driver of This Porsche 911 Needed new Pants After This Scary Moment

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My Dad once confessed to me that out of all the cool sports car he ever owned, it was his 1997 Porsche 911 Carrera he respected the most. “That car could bite you anytime,” he said. Perhaps the driver on this video feels the same way?

Watching this video by EMS Nordschleife TV reminded me a bit about that car. He had it for a few years before trading it in for something else, but one thing always stuck with me: the Porsche 911 required skill, or at least they did back then. They were pure, basic, and dangerous enough to keep you in check. Those were the good ‘ole days, huh?

This good looking late-nineties Porsche can be seen having some good fun at one of the many touristenfahrten days at the legendary Nurburgring, when either the 911 or the Nurburgring decided to give the driver a bit of a “scare.” You can see the driver line the Porsche up for the right-hand turn, when the back end breaks loose and throws the car into a semi-controlled spin into the guardrail. Thankfully, luck or fate intervened, and a few scratches may describe the sum of the damage caused by this scary moment.

Needless to say, the driver may need a new pair of pants after this near-wall experience. Heck, I’ve needed new pants after less scary moments…

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